What Preppers Need to Know About Monkeypox
Is monkeypox the next big pandemic? Are you at risk? Is it serious? Here’s a roundup of what preppers should know about the virus that’s all over the mainstream media.
Is monkeypox the next big pandemic? Are you at risk? Is it serious? Here’s a roundup of what preppers should know about the virus that’s all over the mainstream media.
If you’ve got a sense of deja vu about the horrible new strain of pneumonia striking down children in China that seems to be creeping across the world, you’re not alone. It’s called White Lung Syndrome. Here’s what we know.
Just like a bad penny, Covid restrictions are beginning to show up again. Did you really think the people who got all that power and money the last time would just go away? Here’s what we can do about it.
Heed what you see and pay less attention to the breathless MSM and political narratives surrounding the new and “alarming” Omicron variant with which they’re trying to re-terrify people into submission.
A Congressional report seems to confirm that Covid-19 – big surprise – did indeed come from a lab, it did so well before the rest of the world found out about it, and China apparently covered it up for months. Here’s the evidence.
If you look at the patterns that preceded the first lockdown, we’re seeing very similar warnings, mask mandates, and other restrictions that led up to it. The time to prepare for it is NOW, before it’s announced to the public, and everyone races to the store in a panic-buying frenzy. Here’s what you need to do.
If you think the effects of the Covid pandemic destroyed our society, imagine the response if a worse, more deadly pandemic occurred. Would people even take it seriously? Could our economy and civilization handle another plague?
There are a lot of scary headlines about new strains of Covid and even “super-Covid.” Mutations are normal viral behavior. Here’s what you need to know.
How many times are the “facts” about COVID going to change? What are we to believe? How do we make informed decisions about our health? Is it even possible to make decisions in this uncertain environment?
Are we about to reach the point where you have to show a “health passport” to be able to go about your everyday life? Is “papers, please” that new normal they’ve been talking about?
Almost half of the United States has once again restricted movement to slow down the spread of COVID-19. The second lockdown of America has begun.
‘The UK wants to use rapid, weekly COVID tests (that don’t exist yet) to identify those who are negative for the virus and give them a “passport to freedom.”
Do you think COVID is overblown or even a hoax? This medical professional shares an average day in the COVID ward of a hospital in South Carolina.
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