We Need to Talk About Tim Walz
To borrow a word from the ultra-liberal lexicon, VP candidate Tim Walz is, to say the least, “problematic.” Here are a few reasons why we should be concerned.
To borrow a word from the ultra-liberal lexicon, VP candidate Tim Walz is, to say the least, “problematic.” Here are a few reasons why we should be concerned.
If we are to believe what we’re being force-fed by the MSM and Harris campaign, there’s a Shiny New Kamala Harris in town.
They fooled us once with a pandemic with made-up rules. Shame on them. It looks as though they’re gearing up to fool us again. But it may not work as well this time around.
Covid Conspiracy Facts are being validated in courts of law. But what about all the lives that were ruined during 2020-2021 by fallacies that were accepted as facts?
Biden’s State of the Union address with an alternate reality campaign speech filled with half-truths and outright lies. Here are some of the lowlights.
AI is allowing leaps and bounds in progress, if by progress you mean entirely erasing history and rewriting it to be “diverse.”
Praise for none other than Osama Bin Laden is going viral on TikTok. I guess ignorance is bliss until it gets you a big fat dose of Shariah law.
Things look pretty grim in the world. But all is not lost. Let’s take a step back and look at some recent victories won by people who love freedom.
Folks tend to just look away when confronted with ugly things. The movie Sound of Freedom begs people not to look away. Here’s why you should see it.
A knife attack is bad enough, but one against babies is unspeakable yet people just stood there. It always seems to happen in places where good people are disarmed. You need to have a plan for action if you are ever present at such a horrifying event.
It’s not that we don’t believe that UFOs and alien life forms may exist. It’s just that the timing of these spectacular revelations is awfully convenient for the administration.
We’ve watched several banks fail, countries ditching the dollar, and things are still relatively okay here. But now is not the time to be complacent about the economy.
We can’t move forward by looking back. Racism now doesn’t erase racism that took place previously. And yes, discriminating against and mocking people based on race, including white people, is racism.
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