How Radical Gratitude Can Help You Get Through Hard Times
As hard times smack you in the face and steal your wallet, radical gratitude is one of the things that can help you make it through.
As hard times smack you in the face and steal your wallet, radical gratitude is one of the things that can help you make it through.
Here’s Daisy’s recommendation for an $8 wound dressing for your prepper medical kit, along with her story of how well it worked for her.
Preparing for surgery can really help in the aftermath of a long recovery. Here are some ways to get your home ready.
Here are some true stories of ordinary individuals who voluntarily put themselves in great danger to save other human beings during some of the darkest times humanity has ever been through.
In life, it’s vital to balance action, mindset, and spirituality. The ancient philosophy of Stoicism can be particularly helpful for preppers.
Mindfulness can help you decrease fear, think more clearly under stress, and adapt quickly to evolving situations. People in some of the world’s most stressful occupations practice it regularly, and it’s an important skill for preppers.
Do you have an emergency medicine kit to face a looming future when important prescriptions might be hard to come by? Here’s an option that’s tailor-made for preppers.
Parasite control is something that you HAVE to engage in during a time of collapse. You do not have the luxury of being lazy in this arena.
An old Army medic gives us a glimpse inside his first aid kit. Here are some links and checklists to create your own high-quality prepper’s medical bag.
Essential oils are incredibly popular, but there are a lot of wild claims out there, both about the powers of essential oils and the quality of different products. Here’s a round-up of RELIABLE information for you.
By understanding what information you, yourself, are giving away, you can learn to be more observant about other people. And then, you can use these strategies to elicit even more information from them. Here are some tips on how to elicit information and why you might want to do so.
Can you imagine the misery of tooth pain while you’re bugging out? Here’s how to put together a simple dental kit for your bug out bag right from your local dollar store.
It’s a magical time in a woman’s life, but it comes with risks and discomforts. Here’s what you need to know about the use of herbs during pregnancy.
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