China Is Data Mining DIRECTLY FROM THE BRAINS of Workers
China is deploying emotional surveillance technology that mines data from the minds of its citizens. Essentially, they’re data mining by reading their brains.
China is deploying emotional surveillance technology that mines data from the minds of its citizens. Essentially, they’re data mining by reading their brains.
C.S. Lewis, beloved author of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe had an important warning about genetically edited babies…and he said it 74 years ago.
Atlanta airport’s Terminal F has become the “first biometric terminal” in the United States. And Detroit is next…
The creepy social credit program in China just blacklisted 15 million citizens from travel. Here are 3 reasons that this could be coming to America.
A long-held federal hemp ban based on propaganda and misinformation has finally been lifted in the US thanks to provisions in the newly reconciled Farm Bill.
Think meat prices are outrageous now? If a group of scientists has their way, there would be a meat tax from 35-163% on beef, pork, lamb, and processed meats.
As much time as kids spend in school, you’d think that they would leave prepared for adult life. Here are some basic life skills that need to be taught.
‘Tis the season to need some extra cash. Here are 15 unusual seasonal side gigs to help you bring in some money right now.
The Kansas City Health Department promised to stop pouring bleach on food meant for homeless people. But will they find other ways to destroy it?
Are Google’s self-driving cars an “advance” or are they going to take away jobs, opportunities, and the ability to travel freely for those who don’t use them?
Plastic is bad for us and bad for the earth, but is there a darker, more menacing reason for the explosion of anti-plastic news and simultaneous bans?
Canola oil is like battery acid to your heart, even if it’s organic. Here’s why it’s so bad for you, how to avoid it, and what to use instead.
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is a semi-autobiographical novel about a poor family trying to make it in NYC in the early 1900s. It has some great survival lessons.
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