

SELCO: “A lot of things that “can never happen there” are happening there”

Selco shares a cautionary tale of the events that led up to the brutality of the Balkan War. He warns, “A lot of things that “can never happen there” are happening there.”

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

Selco: My Top 5 Concerns for What Comes Next (AUDIO)

The world seems to be unraveling at a frenetic pace. In his first AUDIO post, Selco shares his top 5 concerns about what’s coming next.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

SELCO: The Reality of Medical Preparedness

Selco warns the reality of medical preparedness is that those cool, pre-made kits are often a waste of money. Focus on skills, basics, and the supplies YOU specifically need.

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OpinionPrepping & SurvivalSelco

SELCO: Do Not Hold Your Breath for a Quick Resolution of This Crisis

People expect that the SHTF is going to be a specific event with a distinct beginning and end. Selco warns, “Do not hold your breath” waiting for this crisis to be resolved quickly.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

SELCO’s Biggest Takeaway from the Last 2 Years: Illusion Smashing

In a tough-love article, Selco warns us, “It can happen there. It IS happening there. But you can survive it. Be gray. Make plans. But fight battles you can win.”

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

SELCO Interviews 4 Preppers About Success, Failure, and Lockdowns

In a little change of pace, Selco interviewed 4 folks in the preparedness industry about what we’ve learned over the past year. The answers may surprise you.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

Selco: The “Camping Trip” Is Ending and the REAL SHTF Is About to Start

Selco compares the first stage of the SHTF to a “camping trip” with camaraderie and “we’ll get through this together.” The second stage is when the unity ends.

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SELCO: “Sometimes the path between “…let’s forbid them to talk freely” to “…let’s erase them” is short and fast.”

Selco warns that sometimes the path between “they are wrong, let’s forbid them to talk freely” to “they are less valuable, let’s erase them” is short and fast.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

Selco: What an “Average Day” Is REALLY Like When the SHTF

When the SHTF, an “average day” is anything but ordinary. Selco shares the details of his daily struggles to survive during the occupation of his Bosnian city.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco


Selco’s back with a brand new article. In it, he reminds us that timing in SHTF can be a matter of life and death. The situation is fluid and it’s critical that you recognize the changes so you can react in time, and appropriately.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

SELCO: Everything Is Fluid When the SHTF – Including the Rules of Survival

Selco warns that when the SHTF, everything is fluid and subject to change. There are no hard and fast rules of survival. You must adapt to the situation.

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SELCO: Someone WILL Enforce the New Rules When the SHTF…And You Probably WON’T Like How They Do It

Selco warns us to be prepared because there is always someone who will enforce the new rules when the SHTF, and you probably won’t like how they do it.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

SELCO: Pay Attention Because Your “New Normal” Should Be Survival Mode

Selco warns us not to live in these not-so-normal times like they are normal no matter who says they are. They’re not, and you must switch yourself into survival mode

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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