SELCO: “The Majority Will Die in SHTF Trying to Record It on Their Phones”
Selco warns, “It looks like the majority of people in SHTF will die simply because they will try to record SHTF on their phones.”
Selco warns, “It looks like the majority of people in SHTF will die simply because they will try to record SHTF on their phones.”
Selco shares what you need to know about survival caches including what to put in them, where to hide them, and how to remember where they are.
Selco is watching current events and warns, “We are frogs sitting in almost boiling water. Hopefully, we will pay attention and jump out.”
When the SHTF, you have to accept that things will not be perfect with your plans and preps, and you will have to accept “good enough” in many situations. Selco shares some examples.
Selco has some bad news. There is NO universal, perfect everyday carry kit and bug out bag. But he has some tips on creating the one that is right for you.
Selco says you must observe your surroundings before the SHTF happens. Then, prep for the basics so you can perform during the mayhem.
Selco’s favorite survival exercise isn’t some exotic, physically draining act but instead relates to the most likely events in your everyday life.
One of the most frequent questions Selco is asked when discussing his year in a city under siege is what he ate and how he got the food. Here’s what he had to say about it in a tell-all interview.
Many people focus on acquiring lots of physical things when prepping. But Selco warns that strategy and mobility are more important when the SHTF.
Do you feel like your survival skill level is pretty good? Are you SURE? Because we often overestimate ourselves. In this article, Selco explains how to find out where you’re at for REAL.
Did you ever wonder why some people survive and some people die in an SHTF crisis? Selco’s got some personal stories and tips to help you strengthen yourself for hard times.
Selco shares the truth about water and sanitation when the SHTF. It is dirty, unpleasant, and something for which you absolutely MUST plan.
Selco shares how the media manipulated the population of the Balkans with hatred and fear. Don’t let yourself be manipulated by half-truths and hate-mongering.
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