Have a Good Weekend? Atlanta Didn’t.
There’s been another Antifa autonomous zone set up in the US, and it’s been allowed to exist for months. In Atlanta, a “night of rage” turned into a weekend of destruction.
There’s been another Antifa autonomous zone set up in the US, and it’s been allowed to exist for months. In Atlanta, a “night of rage” turned into a weekend of destruction.
Government and corporate alliances have destroyed free speech in favor of creating narratives. We talk about propaganda in other countries, but really, we’re the targets of a psy-op ourselves.
Are we watching the beginning of climate lockdowns? Drivers in one English county will face fines if they drive through other neighborhoods without permits.
Want to make your privacy bulletproof despite the internet and constant surveillance? Then you need to check out Michael Bazzell. You won’t regret it.
When a large portion of the population feels every time that the election process is flawed, illegitimate, and not to be trusted, our existence as a nation is at risk. And it isn’t just one side of the political aisle that doesn’t trust it.
As the war in Ukraine rages, NATO has started its annual nuclear response drill: Steadfast Noon. Poor timing? Here’s what we know.
The EARN IT Act seems to be gaining speed. If it passes, could encrypted messaging apps like Signal be outlawed? You know, “for the children.”
Imagine a world in which people think fitting shock collars on their security teams is a reasonable course of action. Now imagine those people are in charge, and they’re unfettered by laws and media exposure.
As the world stands on the brink of WW3, Russian spy planes are probing Alaskan airspace. What are the possibilities? Here are a few thoughts.
Is transhumanism simply a myth, fringe science, or even a nonsensical “conspiracy theory?” Or is this a philosophy that will change the world? Here’s some research you may find interesting.
Living with a questionable grid means you HAVE to know the fundamentals of land navigation. And Green Berets KNOW land nav. Here are some tips.
As the world gears up for another crisis, learn from others’ mistakes. These are the top three mistakes our writer made before SHTF in Venezuela.
The blockade of Kaliningrad by Lithuanian forces does not bode well for the future of Europe. And if it impacts Europe, it will impact the USA as well.
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