Should You Buy Chickens This Year?
Things are very different with supply and demand this year. Here are some pros and cons to consider before you buy chickens or add to your flock.
Things are very different with supply and demand this year. Here are some pros and cons to consider before you buy chickens or add to your flock.
Aden built a Dakota fire hole to test cooking methods and supplies, how long it took to dig the hole, how much smoke was produced, and more details. Here’s what he learned.
Will the war in Ukraine escalate into something larger? Look at some of the most recent warning signs. Here’s what you may notice.
When the good are silent, can we truly be surprised at the outcome? Should we anticipate anything less than insanity? Here are some thoughts…
Does the world really have a problem with overpopulation? Or, are we facing an argument that was nonsense from the get-go? Here’s one perspective.
A New Zealand baby needing heart surgery has not had its operation yet because the hospital won’t consent to the parents’ demand for mRNA-free blood.
Want to make your privacy bulletproof despite the internet and constant surveillance? Then you need to check out Michael Bazzell. You won’t regret it.
You need other people to survive. But people mean conflict. How can you defuse heated situations to keep a bad situation from getting worse? Here’s some advice to work on this skill.
He’s in the news a lot lately, currently cast as a villain by the left. But what exactly does Elon Musk stand for? What is his track record for different issues? Let’s take a closer look.
Are you looking for some gifts for that special prepper in your life? Or looking to get better prepped yourself? Check out these ideas and sales.
This Thanksgiving, don’t get caught up in comparison. Be grateful for where YOU are at, the blessings you have, and avoid the envy.
With no fuel, no power, no firewood, and reliance on Russian fuel, is Germany in any position to aggravate Russia by helping Ukraine with weapons? Well, they are. What happens next is Russia’s move.
When it comes to looking at the hard facts and data of survival, what do we find when we look at wool blankets? Here’s what you need to know.
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