Jose from Venezuela

Jose from Venezuela

How to Create a Barter Network After the SHTF

Should your ability to spend money vanish, do you know what it takes to set up a barter network to get what your family needs?

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Health & MindsetJose from Venezuela

Getting Professional Medical Care After an Economic or Societal Collapse

Do you know how to get proper medical attention after a societal or economic collapse? We’re already beginning to see some problems here in the US. There’s much the prepper needs to consider here.

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Jose from Venezuela

Lessons From An Underground Economy

When economic crisis wrecks a nation, the underground economy is what keeps people fed. Do you know what it takes to survive?

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Jose from Venezuela

Education During an Economic Collapse

You’ll likely see the death of education during an economic collapse. But our kids matter. How will you ensure they are still taught?

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Jose from Venezuela

A Wartime Economy: Tips for Financial Survival

A wartime economy can easily devastate your personal finances. Here are some tried-and-tested tips for financial survival during such times.

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Jose from VenezuelaOpinion

The SHTF Is Already Here and It’s Not Like Any of Us Expected

People have long had Hollywood fantasies of the SHTF: zombies, Mad Max, giant meteors, EMPs. But, in reality, the SHTF is already here and it’s not like any of us expected.

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Jose from VenezuelaPrepping & Survival

Is Another Period of Scarcity Coming to Venezuela? These Signs Say YES.

Just as things had begun to look up after the economic collapse, these signs indicate another period of extreme scarcity is headed straight for Venezuela.

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CommentaryJose from Venezuela

Did Venezuela’s State-Owned Bank Collapse?

The Venezuelan banking system has been shut down and they’re blaming it on technical problems. But many people are wondering, did the state-owned bank actually just collapse?

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Jose from VenezuelaPrepping & Survival

So Many Things We Take for Granted Change During a Crisis

Change is inevitable. Often, a crisis forces many of us to adapt and change. Jose shares his personal experiences with change during a crisis.

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Jose from VenezuelaPrepping & Survival

4 Creative Ways Venezuelans Survived the Economic Collapse

How will you survive when the economy comes crashing down? Perhaps you can find some inspiration in the creative ways these Venezuelans survived their own economic collapse.

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CommentaryJose from Venezuela

Why Did Haitian Immigrants Choose to Flee to Del Rio, Texas?

Disappearing job prospects, combined with a lack of preparedness and marketable skills, forced many Haitian immigrants to attempt to relocate for a second time. Jose takes a look through the lens of someone who migrated to escape a bad situation.

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Jose from Venezuela

Prepper’s Retrospect: It’s Easy to Know What You Should Have Done AFTER the Event

Hindsight is 20/20, especially for preppers. You have to take your mistakes in stride and keep moving forward. After returning from his time as a refugee from Venezuela, Jose shares his retrospective point of view.

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CommentaryEconomyJose from Venezuela

Venezuela’s Central Bank Will Launch Digital Currency Oct. 1 to “Stabilize the Economy”

Venezuela’s Central Bank is making yet another attempt to “stabilize” the collapsed economy, launching a digital currency to make a million-to-1 adjustment to the bolivar. (And of course, to institute a cashless society.)

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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