Jose from Venezuela

Jose from Venezuela

The Dangerous Reality of a Crumbling Society

The dangerous reality of living in a crumbling society is worse than you ever imagined, with a lack of supplies and an abundance of fear.

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Jose from Venezuela

The Grim New Daily Life in Venezuela

After the election was stolen, the reality of life in Venezuela is grim and rife with danger – and it may be even worse than it was in 2017.

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Jose from Venezuela

Will the Venezuelan Election End with Hope or Despair?

A major election is coming up soon in Venezuela and change is in the atmosphere. Will it end in hope or despair?

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Jose from Venezuela

The Reality of Medical Care in a Collapsed Country

In a country where the system has collapsed, good medical care is difficult to come by. This was Jose’s experience after a serious injury in Venezuela.

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Jose from Venezuela

EYEWITNESS: Warning Signs That Should Have Told Us the Collapse of Venezuela Was Near

Looking back, there were warning signs. The economic collapse of Venezuela happened slowly and steadily. Here’s an eyewitness account of how it occurred and some of this may look familiar.

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ChildrenJose from Venezuela

Providing Emotional Support to Children During Economic Hardships

Kids also suffer when financial hardship hits a family. Here are some tips on how to provide children with emotional support during economic hard times.

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Jose from Venezuela

The Importance of Copper in Prepping

There’s another precious metal out there but this one isn’t for stashing away in a safe. Let’s talk about the importance of copper in prepping.

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Jose from Venezuela

Induction Cooktops: Your Most Efficient Low-Power Cooking Method

Induction cooktops are fast, efficient, and used all over the world to provide a means of cooking using far less power than other methods.

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GearJose from Venezuela

Lithium Batteries for Preppers: A Guide To Staying Energized And Safe

Do you use lithium batteries for prepping? There are pros and cons to this technology. Here’s how to use them safely and lower the risks.

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CommentaryJose from Venezuela

Venezuela and Guyana Have Argued for Centuries. Who Benefits from a War Now?

Venezuela and Guyana have been in conflict for centuries. But now, all out war is looming. Here’s the inside scoop on who would benefit and who would suffer.

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Jose from Venezuela

The Venezuelan Govt. Is Using Prisoners as a Proxy Force, Then Releasing Them with Fake IDs

The Venezuelan government is releasing prisoners to attack protests, then giving them the IDs and means to leave the country. Are these criminals walking across our Southern border?

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Jose from Venezuela

This Timeline of the Venezuelan Economic Collapse May Look Familiar to Americans

The Venezuelan economic collapse reflects a pattern that we’re seeing elsewhere in the world. Learn about three factors that led to the financial crisis in this timeline.

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Jose from VenezuelaPrepping & Survival

The Hard Truth About Storing Fuel

Storing fuel isn’t as easy as some folks make it sound. Store it wrong and the results could be catastrophic. Here’s what you need to know from a former fuel industry engineer.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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