

Biden’s State of the Union Address Was an Alternate Reality Campaign Speech

Biden’s State of the Union address with an alternate reality campaign speech filled with half-truths and outright lies. Here are some of the lowlights.

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The Real Problem with Julian Assange

The real problem with Julian Assange is that he revealed inconvenient truths that people in power wanted to keep hidden.

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It Looks Like Ukraine Will Join NATO. How Will Putin Respond?

The Secretary General of NATO announced last weekend that Ukraine WILL join NATO. That could unleash Article 5 and retaliation by Russia.

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A Venezuelan Explains How (and Why) Criminal Migrants Get to the US

How are migrant criminals from Venezuelan prisons showing up in US cities? How do the migrants travel to the border? A guest writer from Venezuela shares her unsettling inside perspective.

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Gemini AI Makes Me Wonder What My Great Grandchildren Will Believe About History

AI is allowing leaps and bounds in progress, if by progress you mean entirely erasing history and rewriting it to be “diverse.”

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The NYC Trucker’s Strike: How Much Influence Do They Wield?

Truckers keep things interesting, don’t they? And they’re at it again with a NYC trucker’s strike organized to protest a verdict against former President Trump.

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A Lot of Folks Really Didn’t Like Tucker Carlson’s Interview with Putin

The mainstream media has had nothing but scorn regarding Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin. Is it because they’ve lost control of the narrative?

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Will China Use the Supply Chain as a Weapon Against the US?

Is the supply chain China’s secret weapon it holds against the US? Imagine if they withheld essential supplies like medications. This has real disaster potential.

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Neuralink: Here’s What We Know About This Brain-Computer Interface

Brain-computer interfaces are happening. The first Neuralink device has been implanted in a human being. Here’s what we know about the technology, research, and possibilities so far.

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The Thirdworldization of the First World Is Ramping Up

The Thirdworldization of First World countries is speeding up. Here are some of the reasons why, and what you can do to prepare for it.

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A Study Says Growing Your Own Food Is “Bad for the Climate.” Here’s Why They’re Wrong.

A recent study from U of M warns that growing your own food is bad for the climate. In this rebuttal, find out why we wholeheartedly disagree with this ridiculous conclusion from people who have clearly never grown food.

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If the Federal Government Won’t Protect Us From Invasion, Texas Will.

The Constitution demands that the Federal government protect the states against invasion. They aren’t holding up their end of the deal. Texas has had enough.

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The American Elite Want to RATION Food, Power, and Gas for the Rest of Us

If you ever wondered what the snobby, Ivy-League-educated “American Elite” think of the rest of us peasants, you’re in for a treat.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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