

Trump Is Officially Vetting These People for the Vice President Spot

There’s been a lot of buzz about who will be former President Donald Trump’s vice president. Here are the people being officially vetted.

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How Folks Are Responding to the Trump Verdict

Reactions to the Trump verdict ranged from celebration to condemnation. But what do you think? Let’s discuss it.

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The Upcoming Election in Venezuela Could Plunge the Country Back into Total Chaos

The upcoming election in Venezuela comes with the very real possibility that those in power will deliberately plunge the country back into chaos to maintain control.

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Notes from Daisy

Memorial Day Medical Kit Sale

On this day that honors those who gave their lives for our ongoing freedom, you can save on medical independence with Wellness Company Emergency Kits.

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Covid Conspiracy Fact: Vindication Is Bittersweet

Covid Conspiracy Facts are being validated in courts of law. But what about all the lives that were ruined during 2020-2021 by fallacies that were accepted as facts?

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Here’s What Infrastructure Neglect and Political Instability Look Like

What does it look like when the infrastructure is neglected due to corruption, economic collapse, and instability? Here’s a glimpse at a long-term situation like that.

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Here Are the SHOCKING Extremes the Human Body Can Survive

Many people have tested the boundaries of human ability and resilience – some intentional, some accidental – and lived to tell their stories.

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Haiti, Third World Violence, and the SHTF

This author doesn’t believe that Haiti-level violence is a possibility in more developed countries. He lays out his reasons why in this compelling article.

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The FDA Stops Its War on Ivermectin. Here’s How You Can Get Your Supply.

The FDA has been forced by the courts to stop its war on Ivermectin, a useful Nobel-prize-winning HUMAN medication. Here’s how to get your own supply.

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Notes from Daisy

The OP Spring FUNDRAISER: Get the EPIC Prepper Printable Bundle

Looking for a way to support the OP and get some AWESOME printables? Check out our fundraiser and for as little as $5, walk away with an epic bundle.

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These 220+ Bank Branches Have Closed SO FAR in 2024

More than 220 bank branches have closed so far in 2024, and that’s just in January and February. Are your local branches on this list?

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State-Sanctioned Forced Disappearances in Venezuela

Enforced disappearances in Venezuela have marked the last two decades as the dark shadow of collectivism covered the country. This practice, used by the State’s security forces, has left a trail of pain and uncertainty in thousands of families who still await answers.

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Who Had “Haitian Coup by Cannibals” on Their 2024 SHTF Bingo Card?

The Haitian capital has devolved into stunning violence, and gangs have taken over, demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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