

The Global Supply Collapse Continues to Get WORSE: Shortages of Clothing, Appliances, Food, and Other Essentials

We’re watching as a totaled American economy meets a global supply collapse. Expect shortages and higher prices on clothing, food, appliances, electronics, and other essentials.

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Are We Facing a Future Where Life Only Goes “Back to Normal” for Rich People?

How much will it cost to “prove” that you’re healthy and Covid-free? Are we facing a future in which life will only go “back to normal” for rich people?

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How the Covid Response Has DESTROYED the Personal Finances of Americans

It isn’t just the virus that has caused our financial woes – it’s the response to the virus. Nearly every family is feeling the effects to some degree.

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CommentaryEconomyJose from Venezuela

Continuity Planning: Prepping Your Small Business to Survive a Crisis

If you want your small business to survive during emergency events, having a business continuity plan is highly advised. Especially now in these rocky times.

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Food Shortages Hit China: There Is “not…enough fresh food to go around”

China is publicly acknowledging a food shortage with an anti-food-wasting campaign encouraging people to eat half portions and finish their plates.

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Here’s How 2020 Compares with the Great Depression (VIDEO)

How does our economic situation actually compare to the Great Depression, the worst economic downturn in the industrialized world? Check out this analysis.

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Will Congress Bankrupt the Mom and Pop Landlord with This SOCIALIST New Bill?

Who will the loser be in the latest proposed House bill, “Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act”? It’s the mom and pop landlord who own just a handful of rental properties.

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What You Need to Know About Govt. Grants, Loans, and Forbearance to Survive the Pandemic Economy

The coronavirus economic stimulus and tax acts have created new grants, loans, and tax breaks. Here are the temporary fixes for which you may be eligible.

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Life After COVID: A Look at the New Economy

Two reasons that the world After COVID will be so different are problems with the economy and the supply chain. Let’s see where we’re headed.

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Will China Use Economic Insecurity to Buy Up Stakes in the US and Europe?

If you think we’ve got problems now, just imagine what it would be like if China owned more of our economy than we do. Was this the plan all along?

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What to Do If You’ve Lost Your Job Due to COVID-19

Here are the steps you should take to minimize the damage to your personal finances if you have lost your job due to the COVID-19 shutdowns.

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EconomySelf-Reliance & Skills

How the Economic Crisis Affects Homestead Decision-Making

Right now, life-changing events are developing over the course of weeks or months rather than hours. Here’s how this affects homestead decision-making.

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EconomyFrugalityPandemic WatchPrepping & Survival

The Covid-19 Economic Crisis Will Change Everything: Short Term and Long Term Effects

The Covid-19 pandemic is causing a global economic crisis that will have both short-term and long-term effects. Here’s what you need to know.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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