
CommentaryEconomyPandemic Watch

The Coronavirus Outbreak Could Affect the Availability (and Cost) of THESE Essential Products from China

The coronavirus outbreak could directly affect the availability of many essential goods that are made in China. Here’s a list of some of those products.

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The US Healthcare System Is Hemorrhaging: It is Bleeding Close to $1 TRILLION a Year

A new study has revealed that waste and needless spending in America’s healthcare system could amount to almost $1 trillion each year.

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EconomyPrepping & Survival

8 Steps to Surviving a Job Loss

The first steps you take after a job loss are incredibly important. Here are 8 steps that can help you survive until you get a new source of income.

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Medical Debt is Crushing Many Americans. Is the Health Care System on the Verge of Collapse?

Health care expenses are a massive burden for many Americans, and for some, they can be financially devastating.

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Are These Mainstream Media Reports on the Looming Recession a Political Ploy?

The MSM has finally picked up what alternative media has been reporting about a looming recession. And, politically, the timing sure is convenient.

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America’s Poverty Trap: How A Small Financial Setback Can Spiral Into an Inescapable Disaster

With America’s “fee” system that punishes poor people, one small financial setback can spiral into an inescapable personal economic disaster.

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Move Over, Millennials: GEN X Is the Generation in the Most Financial Trouble

Everyone picks on Millennials these days but a new study shows that out of all the generations, Gen X is the one dealing with the deepest financial problems.

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Why Paying Off Debt Is Not ALWAYS the Best Use for Your Money

If you have credit card bills so massive you struggle to make the minimum payments, paying off this debt might NOT be your priority. Here’s some unorthodox advice.

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Most Americans Can’t Afford to Pay Rent, Eat Food, Buy Stuff, or Get Sick (And It’s Just Going to Get WORSE)

Despite what some “experts” would like you to believe, the US is on shaky financial ground. Several indicators suggest things are far worse than many think.

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While US Farms Are Dealing with Natural Disasters, Trump Slapped Tariffs on the Countries We Import the Rest of Our Food From

While American farmers are dealing with one natural disaster after another, President Trump has placed tariffs on the two countries from which we import the rest of our food. 

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Here’s What an American Economic Collapse Could Actually Look Like (And How It May Be a Lot Different Than Folks Expect)

An economic collapse here might look a lot different than the ones we’ve witnessed in other countries: some of the things that could happen in the US.

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Americans Just Blew $850 Billion on Christmas But Here’s Why That May Not Actually be a Good Sign

Even though Americans blew through $850 billion dollars at Christmas, this may not actually mean that the economy is on the upswing. All the problems there before the holiday didn’t just go away.

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EconomyPrepping & Survival

These 8 Red Flags Warn Us We’re Speeding Toward an Economic Collapse RIGHT NOW

This article isn’t full of Christmas cheer, but all the red flags right now seem to indicate the US is hurtling toward a full-blown economic collapse.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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