Health & Mindset

Health & Mindset

7 Diseases That Will Become Deadly After Doomsday

What are the diseases you need to keep an eye out for after the world goes down the toilet? Here are a few to be aware of and some preventative measures you can take.

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Health & Mindset

Is There Medicine Growing in Your Backyard?

Are there medicines in your backyard? Where your feet tread, do they step on potential food or remedies? The answer may surprise you.

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Health & Mindset

Make Your Own Respiratory Relief Tea

Looking for practical herbal symptom management that you can try at home? Check out this recipe for respiratory relief tea.

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Learn As Much As You Can About As Much As You Can

Learn as much as you can about as much as you can. If anybody embodies this advice, it’s preppers: the walking encyclopedias. That piece of knowledge that seems so arcane could one day save your life. Here’s how to learn even more.

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What Can You Do RIGHT NOW to Get Better Prepared?

When the urgency to get better prepared RIGHT NOW becomes overwhelming, it can cause inefficiency and poor decisions. Here’s how to get a handle on that and what you should be doing currently to prep.

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Health & Mindset

Our Healthcare System Is Deteriorating Fast. Here’s What You Need to Do.

The healthcare system is deteriorating fast with shortages of both staff and essential supplies. They’re turning patients away that don’t fit certain criteria. Here’s how to prepare for a situation that promises to get worse.

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Health & Mindset

Are You Mentally Prepared for Self-Defense?

Becoming mentally prepared for self-defense NOW can not only keep you from being a victim, but can help you cope afterward as well. Learn more in this excerpt from D.P. Friesen’s new book.

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Health & Mindset

Homemade Kefir: The Ultimate Self-Sufficient Probiotic

Kefir as a prep? What does that even mean? Take a look at how this simple organism can not only improve your health but your prepping.

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Health & MindsetJose from Venezuela

Getting Professional Medical Care After an Economic or Societal Collapse

Do you know how to get proper medical attention after a societal or economic collapse? We’re already beginning to see some problems here in the US. There’s much the prepper needs to consider here.

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New Year Pep Talk: I Hate Bullies

Our author hates bullies. Always has, always will. But are you mentally prepared to deal with the bully inside your head? Let’s start the New Year off right.

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The Top 10 Posts of 2021 at The Organic Prepper

What are the top ten posts for 2021 at The Organic Prepper, and what can we learn about America by analyzing our readership?

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Featured PostsMindset

MINDSET: This One Factor Is the Difference Between Defeat and Opportunity

Mindset is the factor that decides whether we choose yoga or alcohol to manage our stress. It is the difference between seeing defeat or opportunity.

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Money Problems in America: Guilt, Shame, and Other Lies

Poverty and money problems are universal dilemmas that can happen to anyone, and they’re often accompanied by guilt, shame, and other lies. Here’s the pep talk you might need to hear right now to help you through it.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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