Health & Mindset


Here’s How I Know You’ll Survive This

Things could get really hard over the next few years. Here’s what you need to consider whenever you feel like you’re not going to make it.

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Health & Mindset

10 Herbs for Wound Care: A Prepper’s Herbal Medicine Cabinet

In this installment of A Prepper’s Herbal Medicine Cabinet, we look at an overview of 10 herbs that are recommended for wound care and healing.

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Should Preppers Consider CBD for Their Medical Stockpiles?

What is CBD, and what scientific evidence is there that it’s a cure-all? Here’s why preppers may want to add it to their medical stockpile.

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Health & Mindset

Herbs for Pain Management: A Prepper’s Herbal Medicine Cabinet

The act of living often results in pain, whether it’s breaking a leg or a paper cut. This is another case where herbal options could be useful. 

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Health & Mindset

Herbs for Respiratory Support: A Prepper’s Herbal Medicine Cabinet

It’s that time of year when colds, sniffles, and influenza run rampant. Here are some herbs you should consider for respiratory support.

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Standard of Living vs. Quality of Life

If we search the roots of conflicts, social collapses, and many non-natural disasters, we’ll find economic distortion. Here’s a life hack for hard times.

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Health & Mindset

These Herbs Support Mental Wellness

In an uncertain future, the more options we have, the better off we’ll be. Consider adding more herbs to your toolbox for mental wellness.

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Health & Mindset

How to Mentally Prepare Yourself for the EPIC Economic SHTF That’s Coming

An economic SHTF of epic magnitude is looming. Just stocking up is not enough. Here’s how to mentally and physically prepare yourself for the dramatic changes ahead.

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A Philosophy to Help Us Through Difficult Times

Lately, it feels like everything that CAN go wrong IS going wrong, along with some stuff we never even considered in our wildest prepper dreams. Breaking down this simple philosophy can help us get through it.

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Health & Mindset

How to Make Homemade Herbal Cough Syrup

Here’s a detailed look at a very old recipe Daisy discovered during her time abroad, then adapted, that you may find useful in the days to come.

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Health & Mindset

Benzodiazepines: Prepping for When the Meds Run Out

What happens when the benzodiazepines run out? Here’s what you need to know about withdrawal symptoms and the health and safety of your family.

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MindsetNotes from Daisy

Doom Fatigue: What to Do When All the News Is Bad

Doom fatigue is the feeling of overwhelm a person may get when facing one negative event after another in a short period of time. Here’s what you can do about it.

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Health & Mindset

How to Detox Your Kitchen: Here’s What to Boot

Looking to make healthier decisions about food? Detox your kitchen using this advice and ditch the toxic ingredients and foods. You don’t need to throw things out – just don’t buy these things in the future.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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