Amazon Bans the Sale of Opaque Mylar Food Storage Bags…to “Combat Drug Trafficking”
Amazon is banning the sale of mylar bags on their website in what they claim is a step against drug trafficking. Is that what this is really all about?
Amazon is banning the sale of mylar bags on their website in what they claim is a step against drug trafficking. Is that what this is really all about?
The WHO is taking over the United States next week with their new global health/governance meeting. What will this mean for you?
Another day, another fire (or two). Here’s the latest update on the strange “coincidences” within the American food supply.
Washington state is banning non-electric cars. And this momentum is growing. What are the implications of this type of policy?
NATO just sent roughly 35,000 men to Norway for a military exercise called Cold Response 2022. Given the tempestuous situation nearby, was this a good idea?
Why are Russian troops conducting drills over the undersea cables that connect America with Europe? Do you find this odd? Especially now? Or is it just a coincidence?
Why was the National Guard Hiring Internment/Resettlement Specialists LAST WEEK? (Note – these listings were BEFORE the US withdrawal from Afghanistan.) Just who are they planning to lock up?
A whole bunch of “great minds” got together for Cyber Polygon 2020 to decide what to do in the event of a “digital pandemic.” You’re not going to like their solution.
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