Guest Contributor


5 Pieces of Tactical Gear Every Prepper Should Own

Tactical gear is becoming more prevalent in daily life. But how do you know what is worthwhile and what is not? Check out our list.

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Is Klaus Schwab in Control of the American Power Grid? 

The simulation GridEx VI just had its results released, examining how Americans would respond to a cyber attack. Three guesses who’s involved, but if you’ve been following recent events, you won’t need more than one.

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Prepping & Survival

Start Your Own Seed Bank: How to Beat the Food Killers at Their Own Game

Trying to separate yourself from the grocery store? Then you need to know how to start your own seed bank. We’ll show you how.

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Prepping & Survival

6 Ways to Avoid Snakebites

Prevention is vital in a disaster scenario, and preventing snakebites should be at the top of any prepper’s priority list post-collapse.

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GardeningSelf-Reliance & Skills

The Prepper’s Guide to Medicinal Mushrooms

Can medicinal mushrooms help to keep you healthy? What health benefits may they hold? Let’s take a look at some of the most common ones.

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Prepping & Survival

4 Tips for the Prepper Hitting the Roads Instead of the Skies in 2022

Hitting the roads this year rather than the skies due to mask mandates and other restrictions? Here’s our tips for what to do.

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Why Are So Many People Bleating Like Sheep?

How has the greatest nation on earth let so many of its people turn from coherent arguments and logic to bleating like sheep in rhythm to the narrative of the day?

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Prepping & Survival

What Makes A Perfect Bug-Out Location?

How do you choose the perfect bug-out location? What traits do you need to actively look for? What traits should you avoid? Here’s some advice.

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Prepping & Survival

Are Swords Viable Self-Defense Weapons?

Are swords outdated, or can they still be a viable self-defense tool? Here are our author’s thoughts on the best modern-day examples.
Let us know what you think, too.

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Weather Modification Has Quite a War-ish Background

Does weather modification actually exist, or is it relegated to the field of conspiracy theory? Actually, the military has already used it.

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Health & Mindset

Are You Mentally Prepared for Self-Defense?

Becoming mentally prepared for self-defense NOW can not only keep you from being a victim, but can help you cope afterward as well. Learn more in this excerpt from D.P. Friesen’s new book.

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New Year Pep Talk: I Hate Bullies

Our author hates bullies. Always has, always will. But are you mentally prepared to deal with the bully inside your head? Let’s start the New Year off right.

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A Crypto Primer: What Preppers Need to Know

Cryptocurrencies are confusing. What you need is a crypto primer! Here’s our take on the information you need to know about cryptocurrency.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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