Guest Contributor

Health & MindsetPrepping & Survival

Here’s a Look Inside the First Aid Kit of an Army Medic

An old Army medic gives us a glimpse inside his first aid kit. Here are some links and checklists to create your own high-quality prepper’s medical bag.

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Alternative Energy Solutions for Preppers and Survivalists

Are you searching for dependable alternative energy solutions as a prepper or survivalist? This article by an expert provides a thorough primer on the subject, as well as resources for further research.

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Prepping & Survival

Prep to Evacuate with Pets: 5 Steps to Take NOW

If you had to evacuate with pets, would you and your furry friends be ready? Here are five steps you can take to be prepared.

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The Dancing Plague of 1518 and Modern Implications: VIDEO

The mind-boggling phenomenon of psychogenic illness (also known as mass hysteria) has happened many times throughout history. Let’s look at the Dancing Plague of 1518.

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Prepping & Survival

A Prepper’s Guide to SHTF Dental Care

SHTF dental care isn’t as exciting as fighting off a mob or the newest firearm, but it’s just as important as other preps. Here are some tips to handle everyday & emergency situations.

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Prepping & Survival

Emergency Preps from A to Z

Emergency preparedness is serious business but not all of our endeavors need to take on the gravity of life and death. Check out this fun A to Z list.

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What Really Happened in the NC Substations Attack?

An attack against two North Carolina substations in Moore County has left a large part of the state without power.

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Forget the Zombie Apocalypse – Can YOU Survive the Coming Layoff Wave?

Some threats are more probable than others. The coming layoff wave is one of those, and if you aren’t prepared, it could prove devastating. Here’s what we know about it.

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A Knowledge Pantry Gives You a Library on the Move

If you had to evacuate in a hurry you’d still want to take your survival information with you. Why not build a knowledge pantry? Here’s how to build it…and protect it.

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England Experiments with Feeding Bugs to Zimbabwean Children

English researchers are conducting an experiment on Zimbabwean children to see if eating bugs for a year impacts health.

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Prepping & Survival

What Are the Best Dog Breeds for Survival? It Depends on the Job

A dog can be a boon in a survival situation. But with so many breeds out there, how do you know which to choose? It depends on the job to be done.

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What Is the Best Vehicle for the Apocalypse?

If you know you may need to bug out, what is the best vehicle for the apocalypse? How do you know what to choose? Here are some qualities to look for.

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DIYSelf-Reliance & Skills

How to Build a Chicken Run

Are you getting self-sufficient with a flock of chickens and need to build a chicken run? This is how you do it.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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