How to Make Your Own Cajun Turkey Lunch Meat
We recently talked about how to make your own lunch meat with beef. This week, learn how to make a spice-infused turkey lunch meat.
We recently talked about how to make your own lunch meat with beef. This week, learn how to make a spice-infused turkey lunch meat.
Making your own lunch meat is a great way to make meat last longer and save a LOT of money at the grocery store. Here’s how to do it.
Learn how how to make your own seasoning blend from homegrown and foraged foods. Gear up for a flavorful winter and get spicy!
Are you getting self-sufficient with a flock of chickens and need to build a chicken run? This is how you do it.
Do you want to build an off-grid security system? Aden will show you what he did. Maybe it will give you some inspiration to create your own.
The price of camouflage clothing options these days is shocking. Here’s how to repurpose a practically unusable Army pattern into functional camo for about $10
Sweet, savory, fatty and crunchy, bacon has had a place on the breakfast plate for decades. Why not make it at home? It costs less and tastes better!
What can you do when your precious supply of toilet paper runs out? Desperate times call for desperate solutions. Here are 12 alternatives to TP.
One thing that has become increasingly difficult to find recently is bleach. It’s easy and inexpensive to make your own bleach from pool shock. Here’s how to make bleach and purify water with it.
Here are the 5 most practical solar-powered items for preppers, whether you’re just suffering from a power outage or things have really gone south.
Want an inexpensive method for emergency lighting that you can make with the kids? Make a Crisco candle! Here’s how to do it safely!
Want to make your own cleaning products? Here are 5 super-easy DIYs to make your own homemade cleaning supplies without all the nasty toxic chemicals.
Make your own delicious homemade coffee creamers without all those nasty additives. Use any kind of milk and sweetener in these versatile recipes!
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