

10 Awesome Ways to Preserve Peaches

Here are 10 delicious ways to preserve peaches, including spicy jam, peach liquor, and peach peel candy. Don’t waste one bit of peachy goodness!

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A Guide to Making and Canning Homemade Spaghetti Sauce Like an Italian Grandma

Here is a step-by-step guide to making and canning your own delicious homemade spaghetti or marinara sauce. You’ll never eat storebought again!

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Nutritional Gold: How to Make Bone Broth

The difference between stock and broth are the ingredients, but it’s no harder to make stock than broth. And, bone broth contains extra nutrients.

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How to Rebel Against Corporate Food (and Why You Should)

Did you know that a mere 4% of farms grow almost 2/3 of the food consumed in America? Here’s how to rebel against corporate food and get healthier while you do it.

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8 Hot Weather Cooking Tips to Help You Keep Your Cool

These hot weather cooking tips can help you to keep your cool without cranking the air conditioner even higher.

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50 Ways to Eat from Your Pantry When You Have No Money for Groceries

Have you ever been in a situation when you had no money for groceries? Here are 50 ideas for eating delicious meals from your prepper’s pantry.

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Protein Powder for Preppers: Choosing It, Using It, and Storing It

Protein powder isn’t just for bodybuilders. It can be a great addition to your prepper stockpile (or even to your diet right now!)

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Universal Soup Recipe: Stretch Your Grocery Budget with This Make-It-Your-Own Guide

Universal Soup Recipe: Use this make-it-your-own guide to create a delicious and thrifty soup from the odds and ends you have on hand.

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FoodHealth & Mindset

What I Know When I Eat Locally

When you eat locally, you know things about your food that people who shop at the grocery store do not.

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Why You Desperately Need to Can Some Homemade Chili: 2 Delicious Recipes

Do you love homemade chili? With these 2 delicious recipes, you can make it ahead of time and preserve it so all you have to do is pop open a jar!

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How to Make “Rotisserie” Chicken in the Crockpot

Did you know you could make delicious, melt-in-your-mouth rotisserie style chicken in the crockpot?

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How to Feed Your Family When You’re Flat Broke

Feeding your family when you’re flat broke isn’t easy but it can be done.  Here’s how to prepare for a lean month when you’re on a super-tight budget.

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15 Winter Vegetables You Should Be Eating Right Now

Ask anyone who’s not a gardener what’s in season right now – they’ll have no idea. Here are 15 delicious winter vegetables you should eat RIGHT NOW.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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