Marie Hawthorne


How to Make the Most of Harvest Time During the Food Crisis

As we gear up for a globally-engineered famine, are you taking full advantage of this year’s harvest time? Here’s how (and why) to make the most of it.

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What Is A Dirty Bomb? And Is It Actually Something to Worry About?

There’s been a lot of talk of a dirty bomb in the news of late. How do we stop the fearmongering? Is this a valid threat? Here are some thoughts about whether this is something to worry about or not.

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Why Are Russian Spy Planes Probing Close to Alaskan Airspace?

As the world stands on the brink of WW3, Russian spy planes are probing Alaskan airspace. What are the possibilities? Here are a few thoughts.

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The Inflation Reduction Act Doesn’t Mean What They Say It Means. Who Wins and Who Loses?

What is REALLY inside the Inflation Reduction Act? What does this mean for millions of Americans? You’re about to find out. And, spoiler alert, it doesn’t mean what they say it means.

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Never Underestimate the Value of Off-Grid Entertainment

There are so many other options than TV, smartphones, and internet. Don’t neglect off-grid entertainment. You may need it someday.

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Is Eating Bugs Really About Saving the Planet?

Is eating bugs really about caring for the planet, or is something else afoot? Is all protein created equal? Here’s a closer look at this recent push by the media to promote insects as a viable dietary option.

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Gardening in Arid Environments

How do you succeed at gardening in arid environments? Not everybody lives in lush pasture and woodland. What do you do then? Here’s some advice.

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Why All the Attacks on Dissent?

Why are the attacks on dissent ramping up? Why are they becoming more pervasive? What does this mean? What does this tell us? Here’s one perspective.

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If Food Rationing Can Happen in Germany, It Can Happen HERE

Now that Germany has instituted food rationing, how long will it be before these policies spread? How long until the USA follows? Here’s our analysis.

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Gas Prices Are GUTTING American Wallets

Gas prices are only getting worse. And politicians refuse to fix the problem. They are only making things worse to push the ESG score agenda.

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The WEF: Don’t Put Your Phone In Your Pocket. Put It In Your Body!

Why carry a phone on your person when it can be embedded under your skin? Yet another WEF-discussed tech that could be coming soon.

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The Defense Production Act Used AGAIN For “Green Energy”

The Defense Production Act has just been used again – this time to manufacture more solar panels in America. We have concerns that this power is being abused.

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What Will Happen to Personal Property in America?

How do communists eliminate personal property? What are the consequences of doing so? Because that is where Americans are being pushed.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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