The People Behind DHS’s Orwellian “Disinformation Governance Board”

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A “Disinformation Governance Board” has just been created and is going to be run by the Department of Homeland Security. Their primary goal is going to be to “police” what is deemed to be “misinformation” or “disinformation.”

No clarification has been given as of yet as to what this policing will mean, but it has been pointed out that the creation of this new Disinformation Governance Board is going to have the full strength of the DHS behind it.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said, “the goal is to bring the resources of (DHS) together to address this threat.”

Nina Jankowicz has been chosen to head up the new disinformation office as the executive director.

Nina Jankowicz

Disinformation Governance Board
Nina Jankowicz

Jankowicz received her MA in Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. A full list of the staff at the Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University can be found here.

Some of the current faculty/staff members within the Walsh School of Foreign Service are:

Jankowicz also spent time previously working with the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (also called the Wilson Institute) in the past as a disinformation fellow. A full listing of their staff can be found here.

Some of the current staff members, faculty, and associates at the Wilson Institute include:

  • Cynthia Arnson – Director of the Latin American Program
  • Shihoko Goto – Director for Geoeconomics and Indo-Pacific Enterprise/Deputy Director of the Asia Program
  • Duncan Wood – VP for Strategy and New Initiatives; Senior Advisor to the Mexico Instituted; Interim Director of the Global Europe Program
  • Lonnie Bunch III – Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution

She also previously worked with the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry with the Fullbright-Clinton Public Policy Fellowship, where she offered advice and oversaw the Russia and Belarus programs at the National Democratic Institute.

In addition to her past work history, Nina is also the author of two books: How to Lose the Information War: Russia, Fake News, and the Future of Conflict, published in 2020, and a book that was just published this month, How to Be a Woman Online: Surviving Abuse and Harassment, and How to Fight Back.

How to Lose the Information War

Within this book, Nina discusses what she learned during her time with the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry and Belarus as she worked to combat “Russian information warfare tactics.” The book examines five different nations and the policies they pushed to counter “misinformation” in what is claimed to be a fight for “the future of civil discourse and democracy, and the value of truth itself.”

(If you’re looking for information on how to starve the beast, check out our free QUICKSTART Guide.)

How to Be a Woman Online

Here, Nina says that toxic masculinity has poisoned the internet against women, particularly women who aren’t white. She argues from the standpoint that something needs to be done against these men to keep them from saying these things.

When interviewed by NPR about this book, Nina said, “And I shudder to think about if free speech absolutists were taking over more platforms, what that would look like for the marginalized communities all around the world…”

Nina went on within the interview to advocate for stronger consequences against men online who say things that are deemed to be wrong.

“…we frankly need law enforcement and our legislatures to do more as well,” Nina said. She later went on to add, “really any law enforcement of consequences against abusers would make such a big difference because part of the reason this happens right now is that hardly anything ever happens to the people who are levying the abuse.

The announcement

News about the new taxpayer-supported agency was released to the American public by Alejandro Mayorkas during the House Appropriations Subcommittee as the 2023 budget for the Department of Homeland Security was discussed.  This came about after Representative Lauren Underwood (?) asked Mayorkas what he was going to do to combat “misinformation campaigns” aimed at people who aren’t white.

Disinformation Governance Board
Lauren Underwood

Underwood said that not only was disinformation a “huge threat to our homeland,” but that “foreign adversaries attempt to destabilize our elections by targeting people of color with disinformation campaigns.”

She went on to add, “A newer trend that we saw in the 2020 election and already in the 2022 midterms is that disinformation is being heavily targeted at Spanish-speaking voters, sparking and fueling conspiracy theories.”

“DHS and its components play a big role in addressing myths and disinformation in Spanish and other languages. Can you share what steps you’ve taken and what future plans you have to address Spanish-language myths and disinformation through a department-wide approach?”

Mayorka’s response was the reveal of the DGB.

He not only revealed that the DGB was in the process of being created but said that there were a number of other “different offices engaged in this critical effort,” one of which is the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

Alejandro Mayorkas

Rob Silvers, the Undersecretary of Policy, and Jennifer Gaskill are stated to be involved in heading up the new agency, in addition to Nina Janckowicz.

Our response to this unconstitutional attack on the free press

We’ve decided to be proactive rather than reactive. While we hope the censorship doesn’t go too far, our website has already been targeted in the past. We tried then to play their game and post non-controversial, valuable preparedness advice without the hot button topics. But it didn’t matter – they still defunded us.

This time, we’re playing OUR game and vow to continue bringing you the same information we would have without a Ministry of Truth threatening our livelihood. We’d like to introduce The Official Newsletter of the Apocalypse. This PDF will be sent to you once per month, on the 15th, and it will contain all the articles published on The OP over the previous month. You can save it to your computer, print it out, or download it to your USB archive.

We’ve made this as affordable as possible while still covering our costs. S

Our first newsletter will come out May 15th. If you order now, during our presale, not only do you get a lower price, but you’ll also get January, February, and April’s content absolutely free. You can get a monthly subscription.

Should we encounter a worst-case scenario that shuts down the website, then we would be able to get you the content that *would* have been published with the option of receiving it more frequently than once a month.

We won’t be silenced easily. This is how we’re fighting back.

What are your thoughts?

What are your thoughts about where all this is headed? Let us know what you’re thinking in the comments below.

About Jeff

Jeff Thompson is an avid fisherman who likes to spend time sailing on his boat and reading while at sea.


Picture of Jeff Thompson

Jeff Thompson

Jeff Thompson is an avid fisherman who likes to spend time sailing on his boat and reading while at sea.

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    • This is true about too many conservative platforms these days. Can’t afford to pay to get the truth. More and more people cannot.

    • Hi, Beverly. I completely understand that and we have no intention of shutting down the website, which will always remain free to use. This project is our hedge against the possibility of someone taking that decision out of our hands.

  • This is absolutely insane. Orwellian 1984. No clarity on who they might go after including with guns blazing. Although we have a fairly good idea. Conservatives, Christians and anyone who disagrees with them. This happened in Germany after Hitler came to power. Their power will try to be kept in any way possible.

    • yes they will make the decisions on what they deem is the truth.. Nina Jankowicz is likely a Catholic.. educated in Georgetown University, it is a renowned JESUIT institution.. so the good old Christian Protestants (not that there are many left) will be the first to go as disinformation spreaders..

  • Your article says your newsletter is $4.14 a month, but when I click on the link, it says $5.00 a month? Why the difference, since today is April 30, the same day this article was published. Inflation? or…?

  • In other words, the propaganda office for the Department of Fatherland Security. The education camps will follow soon. Who gets interned will be determined by a person’s social score. Those incorrigibles ones won’t be gassed but suicided or starved.

    Checkout the Neighborhoods hApp built on Holochain. If you get past the double-speak you may see your ‘reputation’ (read social score) being tracked for pennies on the dollar.

    Sieg Heil!

  • People forget (or ever knew) that it is the US Constitution and each states Constitution that are our governments, not the people who SERVE WITHIN them. Those documents are the contracts that ALL of those who serve within our governments are required to be Oath bound to. That they are to support and defend before above and before any other duties/anything else.
    US Presidents are required by the Oath to “Preserve, Protect and Support” the US Constitution, while all other feds are constitutionally required to “Support and Defend” those documents.

    Anything else would be domestic enemies of the USA working from inside to destroy our legitimate government which is in writing. Traitors. Consider the The Preamble to The Bill of Rights
    Congress of the United States begun and held at the City of New-York, on
    Wednesday the fourth of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine.
    THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.
    RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, two thirds of both Houses concurring, that the following Articles be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, as amendments to the Constitution of the United States, all, or any of which Articles, when ratified by three fourths of the said Legislatures, to be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of the said Constitution; viz.
    ARTICLES in addition to, and Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by Congress, and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the fifth Article of the original Constitution.

    Understand now?

    • Yes, all of that is true.

      However, the practice of it is something completely different. The January 6 political prisoners are a prime example of what I’m talking about.

    • All that is meaningless. Unless you are prepared to physically force the pervs in power to obey the constitution they have no intention of doing what is constitutional

    • We the People are the Government, not the people who are elected or appointed to act “in our best interests”.

      If Americans want to push the issue at this very moment, they should consider calling Texas Gov Abbott’s office and politely pressure him to assert his state’s rights for the people of Texas, and close the border with Mexico.

    • Oh, but in an “emergency” all that Constitution/Bill of Rights stuff gets brushed aside. For example, recall the US Government’s Covid-19 response. The trick is that *they* decide what is an emergency.

    • Something you missed regarding the constitution. They have changed the wording to make you think they are upholding the constitution. Our country is a constitutional republic, not a democracy. The original constitution wording was “the united states for America .” Now it is the United States of America. All capital letters. See the act of 1871. You’ll understand why. D.C. was incorporated by this act. The country has been subverted.

  • I was rather encouraged by public response to the announcement of the formation of this board. From what I’ve seen, it has garnered very little in the way of support. And the TikTok video Nina Jankowicz posted has been relentlessly mocked (and rightly so). That doesn’t mean this development is a good sign; obviously the government taking steps to monitor “disinformation” is a terrible idea. My hope is that between Elon Musk taking over Twitter, the upcoming elections and the growing realization that this administration is willing to do anything to keep control of “the narrative,” this organization will go down in failure sooner rather than later.

    But of course I could be wrong…

    • I sure hope you’re right Alice but never underestimate the power of stupid people to naively think the government is here to help, therefore voted back to remain in power. The dissenting voices we read online might represent a large number of similar thinkers but do the out number the sheep going to the slaughter?

  • This is so alarming.
    Even if it hasn’t garnered much support doesn’t mean they still won’t try to make it happen and implement the agenda to shut us up and out.
    I agree it’s time to continue standing up for Our Game and not bowing.
    It’s angering that this site and been labeled misinformation and defunded.
    There is more truth on this site than found most places.
    I don’t even host my site on a server in the U.S. anymore nor use a domain that is singled out. I don’t rest easy though. The powers that be have all kinds of poop up their sleeves.
    The good & positive news is we keep standing and speaking/writing truth and don’t back down. It’s time to develop some guts and courage beyond what we now have!!
    I’m glad for the Newsletter of the Apocalypse. I hope I may be able to get it subscribed soon. I’m on a limited income but do my best to make room for what I can that is of high value.

    • The easiest thing to do is to be quiet and comply. At least, it seems like that would be the easiest. But in the long run, we’ll reap what we sow. You’re absolutely right, Cindy. We must be courageous and strong and don’t give in.

      Previous generations of Americans have had to be strong and stand up to tyranny, whether it was King George or Hitler or any of the other various tyrants. But modern life with all its comforts has lulled too many of us into complacency.

      As the Lord said to Joshua, chapter 1, verse 9: Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

  • Identify, Nullify, Vilify, Destroy. What the Gay Edna Hoover Federal Bureau of Incineration did to David Koresh before they murdered him (and his flock) in his Church.

  • Madeleine Albright is NOT currently teaching at Georgetown, although she used to. About the only thing she is currently doing is pushing up daisies, since she’s dead.

  • This is quite frightening but stay strong Fight it at every point. Now my most important ? is where are the jelly fish gop? Crickets as usual. go along to get along Most repubs in office need a public flogging. Definately a dio in the lake tied to a chair.

  • Based on what little research I’ve done so far on the Internet about Nina Jankowicz, she is being promoted as many things, including a ‘cybersecurity expert’ and a ‘disinformation expert’.

    Nothing I can find in her educational or professional background makes her an expert in anything related to evidence based science or factual decision making. I should read her book to see what insight it provides into her perspective, but don’t want to add more money to her pocket.

    Thanks for the additional names provided in this article….I’ve got to do some reading up on them as well.

    I’m going to request my Congressman’s assistance in getting an appointment with Ms. Jankowicz so I can have a conversation with her to compare my background to hers….that way I can make my own assessment.

    If I’m lucky enough to make this happen, I’ll find a way to post some information about it.

    • Kelvin, if you want to read her book without adding money to her pockets, see if its available through your public library.

  • The real problem is who gets to determine what is disinformation, and by what measure/definition are they using.
    The Truth is (or should be) backed by objective Facts.
    However in this day and age, if facts do not fit a certain narrative or is not reflective of their Truth, then those who point that out or dare to say it out loud have their accounts suspended, mobs attempt to cancel them, or doxx them, or even worse.
    Case in point, Dr. Fauci and friends tried to get the doctors who wrote the Great Barrington Declaration silenced.
    One of the doctors who co-wrote the Great Barrington Declaration, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, wanted to write a op-ed about why she wrote it and the reaction from the Declaration. The only media outlet that would publish her op-ed was The Daily Mail. She notes that fact in her op-ed, as her political views generally do not align with The Daily Mail. But no other news organizations would even speak to her.

    To what degree do we have “free speech?”
    Debating the pros and cons of the recent COVID lockdowns/masks/social distancing should be protected as free speech. But as we saw, anything or anyone who questioned the lockdowns was derided as wanting to kill grandmaw. More than a few studies have shown the mental health harm the lockdowns have had on those under the age of 18. A number of speech therapists have noted the increase of babies and toddlers having difficulty speaking from not being able to see parents mouths. But some still insist on masking up.

    Conspiracy theories. The China lab COVID was a conspiracy theory, now considered a real possibility.

    The Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation, until it was not and has been deem authentic. The degree which Big Tech and MSM went to silence the story was a red flag to me. Interestingly enough, a poll found 16% of those voters would of voted differently in the 2020 election had they known more about the laptop contents. The 2020 election just have been rigged but in a different sense then how most would think.

    Is there some speech that should be censored? Truly ugly hate fill content aimed at (insert minority group/political party/religion/sex/football team/etc. here) that promotes real violence?

    I would say use common sense, but as of late common sense seems to have gone out the window.

  • Ok I get it now. Alejandro Mayorkas and Lauren Underwood thinks minorities and women in particular are stupid, can’t discern lies from truth and need to be told what to think.

  • Alejandro Mayorkas lies damn near every day about the made up threat of white supremacy. Who will hold him accountable?

    • LJB is so correct about Mayorkas who has been lying about everything since day one.What will the truth police say about our President , and corrupt media? I guess nothing

  • The Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda (Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda; RMVP), also known simply as the Ministry of Propaganda (Propagandaministerium), was responsible for controlling the content of the press, literature, visual arts, film, theater, music and radio in Nazi Germany.
    The ministry was created as the central institution of Nazi propaganda shortly after the party’s national seizure of power in January 1933. In the Hitler cabinet it was headed by Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, who exercised control over all German mass media and creative artists through his ministry and the Reich Chamber of Culture (Reichskulturkammer), which was established in the fall of 1933.

  • Yes, I screamed with fury at these MONSTERS pooping all over their OATHS to uphold the Constitution. Is it even possible to get more utterly anti-American?

    I once asked God to tell me why hellfire lasts forever, and these garbages would seem to be candidates. They illustrate why “vengeance is mine,” saith the Lord. “I will repay.” Human bodies cannot receive the agony these … deserve.

    But I have found out how these horror-inhumans are created. All the elites are put thru a training program beginning at two years old. The little one is put into a metal cage and electric shocked. He is let out of the cage and a kitten is put into his hands. “Wring the kitten’s neck,” he is told. He cries and refuses. He is put back into that cage and shocked until he is dazed and has no strength to even scream any more. He is then let out and the kitten put back into his hands. Wring the kitten’s neck. This time he does, and is praised and told he did a good job. Much more satanic training follows, shattering the personality into pieces. When asked to harm other children, they wish they could die instead, but that is prevented.

    Eventually they become monsters capable of filth such as this article and many others elsewhere on the web. Do you think they deserve more agony than they could ever receive in the flesh? They do–and they have already received it. In the PAST. They need HEALING not hatred. Do you think you have the right to judge them? Gospel of Matthew, see Jesus’ homily after the Lord’s Prayer.

    That two-year-old who cried and refused–that is who they REALLY are. Their training includes suicide commands, so their healing MUST NOT be attempted by anyone who does not KNOW what they are doing.

    Everyone else helps as God guides you. There are many, many jobs that need doing. If you have even a little money, the Patriot truthers must be supported as you are able. If you do not have dollars, then you have time. Socialize with your neighbors, build your community, and do your civic DUTY–not voting so much as being informed, demanding election integrity, city Hall integrity, Constitutional Sheriff, and knowing the candidates if you do vote.

    • Even if you’re right, (which I don’t believe they ALL were brought up in a cage), but if they were, and if there is a God, then it’s God’s job to save their souls if they still have one, not ours. We need to save our country then the planet. Feel sorry for them if you want, but unless you want all children to be treated like that, you have to amputate the disease.

  • The globalist view George Orwell’s “1984” as a blue print to follow. It’s all part of the plan.

  • Why is there no State AG appealing this as the violation of the 1st Amendment to SCOTUS?

    • Good question. Perhaps our only recourse at this point is the County Sheriff, if the feds come knocking.

  • When the truth is found
    To be lies
    And all the joy
    Within you dies

    When the garden flowers
    Baby, are dead, yes
    And your mind, your mind
    Is so full of red

    Your eyes, I say your eyes
    May look like his
    Yeah, but in your head, baby
    I’m afraid you don’t know where it is

    Tears are running
    They’re all running down your breast
    And your friends, baby
    They treat you like a guest

  • I’m sure the governmental authorities appointed to this team are intelligent, wise, fair and competent in their fields, and not merely a collection of silver spooned yes men and political misfits that stand to profit from the Big Guy’s $30 billion Ukie bribe scam. I mean… c’mon man! The Internet is a gov’t operation – what do you expect?

  • Under the guise of freedom and transparency..this is the Dictate of Tyrants!!!
    The world sees you and the world to come

  • The people you named have something in common. Until we say what it is out loud nothing can or will change.

    • Or, as a more festive remedy……….I can”t remember if it’s an African necklace or a columbian necklace or (insert other group) necklace, but it’s a way to recycle tires into decorative jewelry.

  • Thank you for this article. I appreciate that you mentioned that Jankowicz is a man-hating feminist that is specifically targeting men with law enforcement actions for exercising their First Amendment rights – articles from other sources have not mentioned that fact.

  • Is there any way to fight this tyranny? Parents that protest CRT at school board meetings have already had their doors kicked in. The Disinformation Board now officially sanctions it. Maybe a warning on your door to guv mint goons would prevent having your door kicked in? Serious question.

  • These people keep pushing this false claim (among so many others) about some nebulous force directing mis/disinformation towards “POCs”. Exactly how does this take place. Do the titles of posts say “hey black people, read this!” or do they post and say “I sure hope POCs read this and fall for it.” It reminds me of how Go Brandon said that black and brown people aren’t smart enough to use the interwebz to figure out how to vote. Would that hold true for them being targeted by mis/disinformation. Are the virtue signaling white saviors of the “people of color” telling everyone that they aren’t smart enough to be able to know BS when they see, or do they all need a white liberal to point it out and protect them from it.

  • Watch a You Tube video on China’s social scoring system and then watch a video on how Silicon Valley uses all our online info, shopping info, credit info, social media info – and you will see where we are going. The big initial issue will be whether our govt or Silicon Valley will be managing the system. It has already started with the Investors ESG scores. Who gets to decide what is disinformation, who gets to decide what is good behavior or bad behavior?

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