Daisy Luther


Migrant Crime Is Absolutely Out of Control

We’re facing an out-of-control open border invasion that is letting anyone in, and it’s resulting in a wave of violent migrant crime that is endangering everyone.

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Notes from Daisy

Preppers: What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do

We are living in crazy times right now, and a lot of folks have said they feel incredibly helpless because they don’t know what to do to prepare. Today, we’ll talk about what to do.

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Zuckerberg Is Sorry for Censoring Facebook for the Biden/Harris Administration

Mark Zuckerberg sent a bombshell letter to Congress proving yet another of our silly little conspiracy theories right. He admitted that the Biden/Harris administration had asked his company to censor posts about the Hunter Biden laptop and Covid-19.

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Books & Entertainment

The Widow in the Woods: Part 14

Grace and Lexie handle the aftermath of dealing with a threat. Grace suffers a crisis of conscience about what she must do next.

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In Defense of “Crazy” Conspiracy Theories

Why are conspiracy theories considered to be a sign of insanity, or even worse, dangerous? Here’s why we think you SHOULD question the narrative.

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CommentaryPandemic Watch

What Preppers Need to Know About Monkeypox

Is monkeypox the next big pandemic? Are you at risk? Is it serious? Here’s a roundup of what preppers should know about the virus that’s all over the mainstream media.

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Prepping & Survival

3 Ways to Store a LOT of Water in Smaller Spaces

Want to store a lot of water for emergencies but don’t have loads of space? We’ve got you covered with these three tried-and-true options.

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The Shiny New Kamala Harris That Propaganda Built

If we are to believe what we’re being force-fed by the MSM and Harris campaign, there’s a Shiny New Kamala Harris in town.

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Books & Entertainment

The Widow in the Woods: Part 13

Grace thinks about what her dearly departed husband would do in her situation and puts the plan into action.

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Notes from Daisy

Stop Waiting for “When” Things Are Perfect

Sometimes, we get stuck in a holding pattern. It can happen in any aspect of life. We think, “When I reach this goal, I’ll allow myself to be happy.” But what if that day never comes?

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How the Global Market Crash Affects Us Even If We Aren’t Invested in the Stock Market

Some folks are calling August 5, 2024 “Black Monday 2.0.” It could be remembered as the day when the global market crash began in earnest.

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BIRD FLU: They Fooled Us Once. Looks Like They’ll Try to Fool Us Again.

They fooled us once with a pandemic with made-up rules. Shame on them. It looks as though they’re gearing up to fool us again. But it may not work as well this time around.

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Books & Entertainment

The Widow in the Woods: Part 12

Lexie takes matters into her own hands. She and Grace hope to administer some karmic justice to one of the invaders.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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