Red Meat Allergies from Tick Bites Are on the Rise. It Fits Conveniently into an Agenda

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Dairy and red meat allergies may now be the 10th most common food allergies in the U.S., according to CDC estimates.  In case you haven’t heard, alpha-Gal syndrome is on the rise, and it’s still largely unrecognized.

What is this new syndrome?  Who needs to avoid red meat and dairy?  Might something else be going on here? Let’s look a little deeper at how a simple tick bite can have lifelong, devastating effects – and not just from Lyme Disease.

What is alpha-Gal syndrome?

Alpha-Gal syndrome begins with a bite from an infected tick or chigger.  The tick or chigger bites some kind of mammal and ingests its blood, which contains alpha-Gal, a type of sugar molecule.  If that tick or chigger goes on to bite a human, it can transmit some of the alpha-Gal-tainted blood to the human, which may then trigger an allergic reaction to red meat or dairy products.  

One of the stranger things about alpha-Gal syndrome is the time in which it takes for symptoms to present themselves.  It typically takes a few months after the tick bite for the person’s antibodies to alpha-Gal to build up, and then it is often several hours after a person eats meat that they have their allergic reaction. (source)   The time delay makes diagnosis really difficult because victims often feel like their allergic reactions appear out of nowhere.  Before people knew what to look for, an alpha-Gal syndrome diagnosis took some sleuthing.

Alpha-Gal is something to be aware of, particularly since it can be triggered not only by meat and dairy but also drugs containing mammal products, and even carrageenan, an Irish moss used as a food thickener.  If you’ve got allergic reactions you can’t explain, you could ask your doctor about getting a blood test to rule this out.

However, for those of us familiar with all our allergies, this is not something to lose sleep over.

In fact, overdiagnosis of alpha-Gal syndrome may be a bigger concern.  Detailed studies have shown that about a third of the American population has antibodies to alpha-Gal, which means they’ve already encountered it somewhere.  And yet the overwhelming majority of us can eat red meat without ill effects.   

So, why the hype around this relatively obscure medical condition?  

Well, part of it is simply that sensation sells.  The public is fascinated by weird medical conditions, and exotic diseases make for good clickbait.  

But we can’t ignore that this is another convenient excuse to scare people away from real meat.  Most of us have been happily ignoring the medical establishment’s insistence that red meat is bad for us for years.   PETA’s been trying to get us away from eating meat because of animal cruelty.  The WEF wants us to avoid eating meat because of climate change.  And now the powers are aligning to make us afraid of it due to potential allergic reactions.

Lest you think this is farfetched, take a look at this speech by S. Matthew Liao, the philosopher and bioethicist who endorses human engineering to solve climate change.  He thinks that most people are too weak-willed to give up eating meat for the sake of climate change, which is what really needs to happen.  So he specifically cites inducing meat allergies as something beneficial for the planet. 

Research into using ticks to induce disease has been going on for a long time. There is a lot of speculation that Lyme disease is something that blew off the Plum Island Animal Research Center.  This is still treated as a conspiracy theory.  However, Lyme disease was first diagnosed about ten miles from Plum Island, and there are published research papers regarding projects involving the use of ticks to spread various diseases being conducted there    It doesn’t seem like much of a stretch to me, but maybe I’m just overly cynical.

It would be horrifying if we were to discover this was man-made.

Either way, there are so many things wrong with inducing allergies it’s hard to know where to begin.  Allergic reactions range from uncomfortable to deadly. Deliberately inducing them would be a return to Nazi-era human experimentation.  

There is also a real disconnect between the importance of meat to different cultures and the necessity of it in different environments.  Local cuisines are much of what makes traveling fun.  If we’re all supposed to eat locally, but we’re not supposed to eat meat, that necessarily precludes living in many of the earth’s colder regions.  There’s a reason vegetarian societies developed in India, while Inuit cultures were historically carnivorous.  

We shouldn’t be afraid of eating meat.  Variety is truly the spice of life; enjoying food unique to your locale is one of life’s simple pleasures.  

We also shouldn’t be afraid to go outdoors.

We should also not be afraid of going outdoors.  I think the push to get rid of meat and make fake food acceptable is real. I also think there’s a real push to get people disconnected from nature and into fifteen-minute cities.  Hyping a medical condition that makes people scared of meat and the outdoors checks both those boxes.

And yes, I know country people can laugh all this off.  But this nation is full of people with little to no connection with nature, people who think every bug bite will make them sick.  Unfortunately, this cohort of people is big enough to vote us in or out of those fifteen-minute cities.  

And to these people living indoors and behind screens, I want to say: don’t be terrified of bugs.  Don’t be stupid, but don’t be terrified, either.  Blackbird recently published a fantastic article about parasite control. There are a lot of things you can do to minimize your chances of getting sick.

I don’t want to downplay the risk of Lyme disease; it is scary.  I know two people permanently handicapped by it, and one of them was in superb physical condition beforehand.  

But bad things happen to people that spend their lives indoors, too.  Increased screen time has been correlated with mental health problems. Ditching real red meat for the ultra-processed food Klaus and his friends want us to eat will not help you or the planet.

How to remove a tick properly.

Proper tick removal makes a big difference.  The sooner you remove ticks, the less time they have to burrow their heads in.  I spent quite a bit of time in my twenties doing fieldwork throughout the South.  I spent three months in one area that was so tick-infested I would sometimes have dozens of ticks on me at the end of the workday.  This was despite Permanone-treated clothes and boots.  However, I got really good at proper tick removal.  

You have to make sure you pinch the tiny little head (not the big fat body!) with tweezers and then pull gently to get the whole head out.  Don’t yank; the heads break off easily, and then you’re more likely to get all kinds of infections.  Put the tick in a baggie afterward and look at it to make sure you got the whole head.  Then squish it so it doesn’t bite anyone else.  And do this every single day you spend time outdoors in a tick-infested area. Don’t let ticks hang out on you.

Out of many hundreds of tick bites, I only had one that spent more than a day on me, and that was because I was not peeing in the correct position outdoors.  It sounds silly, but it’s a real problem.  Not too many women work outdoors, so there’s not always good advice available about the correct peeing position.  I think people just assume women squat, but if you squat, not only will you probably get pee on your work boots, but your rear end will be close enough to the ground for ticks to climb on.

Some women prefer to lean against trees because it helps avoid getting pee on your work boots.  I used to do this until the time when I found a tick in a place I really didn’t want one.  After that, I would hold onto a tree in front of me for support, but keep my butt in the breeze and away from any vegetation.

Does this make it easier for other people to see you peeing outdoors?  Yes.  But is it preferable to an awkwardly hard-to-see tick bite?  Also yes.

Was alpha-Gal syndrome manmade to cause red meat allergies?

I don’t know if this was some kind of intentional release to get people to eat less meat; it wouldn’t surprise me, though there’s not any proof just yet.  Right now, we should simply be aware of this condition without being fearful.  If you’ve been finding yourself with bizarre allergic reactions, by all means, look into alpha-Gal syndrome.  But the current fearmongering around this newest medical condition shouldn’t keep the rest of us from enjoying the foods and places that we love.   

What do you think? Was alpha-Gal syndrome manmade to cause red meat allergies? How do you think people are developing this serious allergy seemingly out of thin air? Is it a conspiracy, all part of the climate change agenda? Is it a disease that has naturally evolved?

Let’s discuss it in the comments.

Picture of Marie Hawthorne

Marie Hawthorne

A lover of novels and cultivator of superb apple pie recipes, Marie spends her free time writing about the world around her.

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30 Responses

  1. I would almost bet the farm on it being man-made. These creeps who want to rule everything have shown repeatedly there is no depth to which they will not sink. They are greedy slime of the worst degree. I hope they all get their own nasty creations and that they suffer till the end of their lives!

    1. Well, I think that if they DO NOT suffer in this life, they will be punished by GOD for living the way they did. We are ALL accountable for our worldly sins…We reap what we sow and yes, karma is a bitch!!!

  2. I had to do the squat and squirt in woods plenty of times when we were doing a lot of trail riding. Strong legs from horseback riding meant my squat could be high up enough but feet widespread enough [peeing on your cowboy boots isn’t fun either] foliage was far from my bare butt…or more tender places.

    Had a male friend who sat in the Pinehills country sand even after we advised it was a bad idea. He was from there…but arrogant. Well, he spent that night in ER waiting miserably to see a doc because chiggers got into all his tender and dangly bits. He couldn’t even wear pants or underwear for two weeks he was so swollen and itchy.

    I also combed fleas and ticks off dogs and cats but dropped them in a jar half filled with alcohol–where they die close to instantly—and get pickled all in one step!

    Also–keep cutter’s on hand. It even keeps spider off…and repels gnats which taste nasty and have zero respect for your eyes, nose and mouth so spray face [take deep breath, fold in lips and close eyes then spray face and take a giant step back out of the spray before opening eyes or breathing].

    So…another conspiracy theory heading toward the conspiracy fact barn? I wouldn’t bet against it, especially these days.

  3. 1) It’s not that obscure
    2) It’s not just to meat and eating it. It runs a spectrum like all allergies some people are fume reactive to meat being cooked, some can’t have mammaliain byproducts in medications, etc.

    Aske me how I know … sigh.

    1. Holly – I’m so very sorry you’re going through this and can’t imagine how difficult it must ben.

      Can you tell us more about living with this? What are some more of the specific limitations? Are you forced for health reasons to be a vegan now?

      My heart really goes out to you ❤️

  4. I have had it for about 15 plus years and I spent and still spend a lot of time outdoors in wooded areas. I don’t think it was released on purpose, at least not at that time. I can still eat red meat but there is a substance in seasoned salt, A1 steasauce and Dale’s Marinade that triggers the symptoms which lead to anaphylaxis shock. I understand the CDC is doing research in this area to find a cure

      1. I thought that too but I don’t think so. I can eat Chinese and other oriental foods with no effects. I really suspect beef enzymes because they are common as an ingredient in the sauces and marinades i mentioned One thing though, I do eat all my red meat well done.
        One other comment: after the Covid farce I don’t have a lot of faith in the CDC.

        1. If you can eat steak and have no ill effects then you do not have Alpha-Gal.Before I found out I had Alpha Gal, I ate a hamburger and fries after work and went home. Several hours later, I felt hot and nausated.Then hives appeared and started to puke and diarrheaThis went on for about an hour then the syptoms ended.Now, I check labels for any beef products. I can eat chicken ,turkey, milk, eggs, cheese and be around beef that is being cooked on the grill.Some people will have allergic reactions if they handle raw meat, be around meats being cooked.

  5. It’s my understanding that the primary carrier of alpha-gal is the Lone Star Tick, which is not just in Texas but a number of other states, mostly southern. The evidence that Lyme disease was manufactured at Plum island is quite strong. It’s in every state and continent now. Lyme really trashed my health, but after years of natural medicine, I’m finally recovering.

    1. I’m glad to see your recovering Fran. Yes, the lone star tick is highly suspected of being the primary carrier and I have been bitten by plenty of them.

  6. Lab 257 on Plum Island is probably the cause of both Lyme disease and West Nile Virus, which broke out first near Long Island, New York.
    They closed the island and moved it to Manhattan, Kansas, right in the heart of cattle country.
    There have been a number of cases in Missouri for both Lyme disease and the alpha gal. I’m an avid outdoorsman, and continuously have to check myself. I’ve been treated for Lyme disease three times.
    Personally, although I cannot prove it, I believe that this is lab grown and intentionally released.

  7. This is yet another reason why I just cannot move south of the 38th.
    Sure, we have ticks here too.
    But not as big or proliferate as I have seen in NC (lone star), SC, FL, LA and a few places in between.

  8. For your Lyme suffering friends, look into a tincture of teasle root. It is said to cause the secondary infections to leave the cell and be killed by our immune system. They say that doing this makes one feel like crap for a couple of weeks, but there are good articles on both preparation of the tincture, and use of it. My husband has Lyme, and this fall I plan to start BOTH of us on a lyme detox using the teasle root tincture. Lyme is suspected to be sexually transmitted, so I likely have it, and will do this as gently as possible, using a long view protocol, rather than doing a two week protocol. I plan to do 3 days on, 4 days off for 2-3 months, rather than hitting it hard for two weeks. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND HOMEWORK on this!

  9. You know they make female urinal funnels so you can pee standing up like a guy?! Not terribly expensive either.

  10. I’m curious if anyone has reversed alpha-Gal syndrome using NAET treatments?
    They’re a painless, quick, 85% permanent CURE for allergies using pressure points on your back.
    I was once allergic to my own thyroid hormones. It caused Graves Disease and Thyroid eye disease that disfigured me by making my eyes bulge and threatened to permanently blind me by pinching off the optic nerve with inflammation.

    Then a family friend told me about NAET.
    She’d cured her shelfish allergy and no longer was going to the hospital 4-5 times a year due to accidental contamination. She could actually EAT WHOLE SHRIMP now without effect. She didn’t even carry an epi-pen anymore.

    After my first few treatments, we confirmed my allergy to thyroid hormones as well as 114 other common substances and essential vitamins my body was not able to utilize. I’d had no idea allergies were at the root of my disabling illnesses. I found all my symptoms went away in the next year without further treatment. I’ve had healthy eyes and thyroid levels now for 10 years since my NAET treatment.

    Once i cleared all my allergies with NAET, my PCOS also improved and I haven’t had anymore ovarian cysts for 10 years, either. My skin cleared up, my brain fog lessened, my mental health improved. I had more energy and gained a more resilient immune system like I’d never had before 🙂

    If you have autoimmune diseases, chronic illnesses or any known allergies, I would look into NAET. I only paid $55 for the treatment that cleared up my Graves Disease. Talk about a bargain.

    I even used NAET to successfully end a bout of “long covid” symptoms that had lingered for over a month…. after NAET all symptoms were gone 24 hrs later.

    I think everybody and their dog should use this – it feels like a cheat code!

    Daisy, please look into this treatment (there’s a hundred thousand practitioners around the world doing NAET). They have multiple studies posted on their website showing what they can prove it works for (Autism is currently being studied because their clients are reporting major improvements).

    I’d love to see you report about this to your readers so we can all be more ready for whatever bio-terror “they” have planned for us next


  11. Well, well, well…
    How very convenient. I’m curious to know if attempts will be made (or are even possible) to confirm if this is man-made?
    My current position, based on historical tick-borne efforts, recent global medical events, and my conviction in the depopulation agenda etc, is to assume this is manmade until proven otherwise. I guess that applies for any future epidemic/pandemic….sigh. Such times as these.

    1. Thank you for this. I’ve been suspecting a vitamin A shortage on a few chronic problems my family and I have been dealing with

  12. Lyme disease and the accompanying co-infections have left me and my husband disabled. We have tried every protocol out there and have ended up bankrupt fighting this disease since 2014. It is manmade, most of these diseases today have been GMO’d. A tick can transmit lyme & company upon attachment, immediately upon attachment some research states. It is also mosquitoes, fleas, wasp, bedbugs can all transmit lyme. It is HIV/Aids like as well. Lots of mutations going on with lyme and friends.

  13. Great one more thing to watch out for. My daughter got lyme from a tick bite this summer. Seems to have caught it time and the antibiotics took care of it.

  14. Soo, in my personal research for many, many years (getting really tired of it to be honest), our bodies are so inflamed and toxic, one little thing (allergen, chemical, fragrance, food, etc) overflows our cups (bodies). So few people are in tune to their bodies to know what the triggers are until they are full blown diseases, illnesses, upper respiratory problems. It truly saddens and angers me how very very few real doctors know or even want to treat the patient.
    It’s truly our job to put out the inflammatory fires of our own bodies before a simple cold kills us.
    Which we know they are trying (& tried) to do.

  15. Alpha gal nearly killed my granddaughter before they figured out she had it. She was having extreme allergic reactions. Now lots of people in my area near Joplin have it. Now 7 in my family have been diagnosed with it. Some never go into the woods. GG.

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