Prepping & Survival

Books & Entertainment

How to Survive During Dangerous Times

No matter who you are, no matter where you are, there are steps you can take to make yourself safer. These are the best strategies from The Organic Prepper website all in one place, all with one goal: to keep you and your family safe from harm in a world that is increasingly perilous.

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Jose from Venezuela

This Timeline of the Venezuelan Economic Collapse May Look Familiar to Americans

The Venezuelan economic collapse reflects a pattern that we’re seeing elsewhere in the world. Learn about three factors that led to the financial crisis in this timeline.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

SELCO: What We Ate and How We Got Food When the SHTF

One of the most frequent questions Selco is asked when discussing his year in a city under siege is what he ate and how he got the food. Here’s what he had to say about it in a tell-all interview.

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Prepping & Survival

How to Read the Streets: A Survival Skill That’s More Important Than Ever

Being capable of reading the streets – and reading other people, too – goes along that as a way to better orient oneself and also deal with known and unknown environments, identify threats, and avoid potentially risky situations. 

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Books & Entertainment

Our Missing Hearts: Required Reading for Those Who Object to the Silencing of Dissent

In a world where “formal deprogramming” of those who support one’s political rivals is recommended, the novel Our Missing Hearts is a must-read.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

SELCO: The Harsh Reality of Barter and Trade in an SHTF Economy

Barter is a hot topic in prepper circles, so who better to share his real-world experience with trade in a dangerous situation than Selco? This article is incredibly eye-opening.

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Books & Entertainment

Want to Help Keep the Website Up and Running and Get AWESOME Stuff?

Are you ready for the most extensive bundle we’ve ever offered? Here it is, and with your purchase, you help to keep the website afloat.

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SELCO: Strategy and Mobility Are the Most Important Preps for the SHTF

Many people focus on acquiring lots of physical things when prepping. But Selco warns that strategy and mobility are more important when the SHTF.

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Prepping & Survival

56 Survival Uses for Heavy-Duty Garbage Bags

One of the most versatile and hardworking items you can have on hand is a box of heavy duty garbage bags. Here are 56 survival uses for them! Can you come up with some we haven’t listed?

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What’s Your Survival Skill Level REALLY? Selco Explains How to Find Out

Do you feel like your survival skill level is pretty good? Are you SURE? Because we often overestimate ourselves. In this article, Selco explains how to find out where you’re at for REAL.

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Jose from VenezuelaPrepping & Survival

The Hard Truth About Storing Fuel

Storing fuel isn’t as easy as some folks make it sound. Store it wrong and the results could be catastrophic. Here’s what you need to know from a former fuel industry engineer.

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Prepping & Survival

7 Ways to Prep When You Can’t Be Active

Life happens and sometimes we have to take time out to recover. You can still prep when you can’t be active, and here are 7 ways to do it.

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Prepping & Survival

Are Lockdowns Coming Back? Get Prepped NOW, Just in Case

If you look at the events that preceded the first set of lockdowns, you may be feeling some deja vu. This article isn’t about whether or not this is right or wrong. It’s about getting prepared before the general public empties the shelves.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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