Prepping & Survival

Books & Entertainment

The Widow in the Woods: Final Part

Grace is grimly determined to do what she must to take back her home and give young Lexie a new ...

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Prepping & Survival

Would Your Kids Know How to Survive a School Shooting?

Do your kids know what to do in the event of a school shooting? It isn't fun to talk about ...

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FrugalityPrepping & Survival

A Prepper’s List of Lists

Here are a few lists you can use to get started with your own preparedness list-making. Use these as inspiration ...

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Books & Entertainment

Dear Diary, It’s Me, Jessica: Part 17

Progress is made on a permanent outdoor cooking set-up and as harvest time approaches, the group must deal with food ...

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Books & Entertainment

The Widow in the Woods: Part 14

Grace and Lexie handle the aftermath of dealing with a threat. Grace suffers a crisis of conscience about what she ...

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Jose from Venezuela

The Dangerous Reality of a Crumbling Society

The dangerous reality of living in a crumbling society is worse than you ever imagined, with a lack of supplies ...

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Books & Entertainment

Dear Diary, It’s Me, Jessica: Part 16

A trip to get school books turns out to be far more eventful than expected, and the reality of having ...

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Prepping & Survival

3 Ways to Store a LOT of Water in Smaller Spaces

Want to store a lot of water for emergencies but don't have loads of space? We've got you covered with ...

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Jose from Venezuela

The Grim New Daily Life in Venezuela

After the election was stolen, the reality of life in Venezuela is grim and rife with danger - and it ...

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Prepping & Survival

Backyard Camping: Important Lessons Preppers Can Learn

Looking for an easy way to practice your outdoor survival skills? Here's a guide to backyard camping to get you ...

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Books & Entertainment

The Widow in the Woods: Part 13

Grace thinks about what her dearly departed husband would do in her situation and puts the plan into action.

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Books & Entertainment

Dear Diary, It’s Me, Jessica: Part 15

Jessica is present at a very important meeting that sets the tone for the future of the community and its ...

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Books & Entertainment

The Herbalist’s Bookshelf

These are the texts that will help you learn as much about herbal medicines as written word can teach you. ...

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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