Fabian Ommar

EconomyPrepping & Survival

This Diary from the Great Depression Is Like Reading a Modern-Day Newsfeed

Reading the diary of a middle-class professional and family man hit directly by the economic devastation of the Great Depression feels uncannily like reading a modern-day newsfeed.

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Prepping & Survival

Here’s Why a Bicycle Might be the Ultimate SHTF Transportation

What is the ultimate SHTF vehicle? You can find all sorts of fancy bug-out vehicles out there, but here’s why you should consider the humble bicycle.

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How Do You Adapt When the Rules Are Constantly Changing?

Constantly changing numbers and stats make it difficult to discern truth from fiction. It can be difficult to adapt when the rules are always changing.

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Prepping & Survival

HOMELESS: What We Can Learn About Survival from Life on the Streets

If the SHTF, the homeless may be better equipped to survive than the rest of the population who depend on the grid. Here are lessons we can learn from life on the streets.

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Prepping & Survival

6 Survival Movies with Really Important Lessons

Here are 6 SHTF and survival-themed films that Fabian recommends for preppers looking for some educational entertainment during (much deserved) breaks in these crazy times.

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Prepping & Survival

No Money? 9 Ways to Prep for FREE (or Almost Free)

Want to get prepped but you don’t have any extra money kicking around? Don’t worry – there are still a LOT of things you can do. Here are 9 ways to become better prepared that are either free or almost free.

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Prepping & Survival

The Uncensored, Real-Deal Guide to Bugging Out of the City

As tensions continue to rise around the world, we’re about to see more and more people fleeing from the cities. Let’s cut through all the nonsense and terrible advice and get real about bugging out.

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MindsetPrepping & Survival

Prepper’s Anxiety: How NOT to Become Paralyzed When You Feel Overwhelmed and Underprepared

It’s normal to feel anxious if you’re new to prepping. Feelings of urgency, inadequacy, and, insufficiency can overwhelm even long-time preppers. Here’s how NOT to be paralyzed by prepper’s anxiety.

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Survival Stories

Luck? Chance? Miracles? Willpower? The Mysterious Common Thread in Extreme Survival Stories

Luck? Chance? That is one factor of survival. But, there is something more. Something that is beyond our limited comprehension, let alone our control. Look at the common thread in these unimaginable survival stories.

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Brazil’s 2018 Trucking Strike PARALYZED the Country: Here’s How America Could Face Similar LONG-TERM Disruptions

A trucking strike in Brazil paralyzed the country for 10 days in 2018 but the economic problems didn’t end there. And we in the US could face similar long-term disruptions.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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