3 Compelling Reasons Preppers Should Buy a Patch of Land

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

Hello there, fellows. I wanted to resume some thoughts that had been going around in my mind these last few days. Looking for some way to give myself a break and work in something that could benefit me enough for early retirement while I was still “young” and handsome, I decided to invest wisely, and I think it resulted more or less adequate.

A couple of land patches here and there, with a good eye, and the properties will have some real value in the near future. Even if I never see them flourish, my descendants will enjoy that his folk had some vision. Not too common in Venezuelans though.

Among the most evident advantages, I came out with the following as the most important.

You will have a place to live.

No matter what happens, if you plan it with some vision and work with your hands, over a good period of time, you will have a roof over your head in case tide goes against you. Your family will be protected. Summarizing, all the consequences of being homeless are avoided. This can be extremely important. It´s no big deal if this house is much smaller, or not as fancy, or it´s not even partially built or does not have the bathroom finishing you dream about. The idea is a secondary place where you can get into, located in a secure environment, stocked with supplies, preferably. In our particular situation, I was lucky enough to buy a small plot next to a place where my family already owned a small cottage. Therefore, the land extension was almost doubled. It´s a place where the rainy season is good, and in the dry season, is not as dry as some other places in the flatlands. The bad news is, our fruit tree garden is quite old and needs renovation, and our cabin needs new roofing. This means money, money that it´s hard to get being a migrant. We´re waiting to come back in a few months, but that´s something that will need planning, resources, and some special conditions.

The scenario we prepped for was not the one we got. It was FAR much worst. I believe I commented this already enough in previous articles. You just can´t prep for your worst nightmare. You won´t have time, and unless you are one of those Silicon Valley masterminds and/or have money to spare, it´s unlikely that you will make it. The best approach is to select wisely, and with your objectives clear. In your retreat or BOL you can store some clothes in good shape. You could save some non-perishable items and materials you could need in the future. You will have some extra space, but don´t waste it. It is going to be a LOT of work, but you will enjoy it. It doesn´t matter if it is a cabin by a lake, or in the middle in the mountains, or wherever you like. Just make sure it´s close to a water source, or provide it. I believe this talks by itself.

Please, take note of this, because it´s based on my experience. Don´t waste the most valuable resource you have: Time. Don´t overthink on it. Just go and find a place. Don´t rush, but don´t stop working on it. I can see now how lucky I was to have found this sort of organized communities. Most of the people I know never thought for prepping: they wanted financial independence solely. Had they collected the prepping gear and my approach, they would have lots of comforts that they don´t have now. Electricity, clean water, and other basic stuff. The economy went to hell, and now they´re praying for miracles to make the ends meet.

In my particular situation, we left mainly because of my ex´s family was already abroad. Not because I wanted to leave. Had we split with me being there and no kids in the middle, I would be in my homeland. I know, maybe I would be dead, with a shot in the head. Or maybe I would be living peacefully in my cottage listening to the wind in the trees, and waking up early to roam into the tropical forest, much healthier than I am now. We all know how hard is to have someone who depends entirely on us.  Providing them with someplace to go if things go bad, is invaluable.

You will have a potential business to run and an income source.

I had a small plan for early retirement: if things had been different and my project of goats, smoked cheese, poultry/eggs, and fish production (among some other independent industrial services providing within my specialty) our situation would have not been so hard now. I can say this, because some fellows could stay put in our homeland, because they already have a niche in the food production market, and are making a decent living (the rest of them are taking a beating, prematurely old and worn out –sorry guys, you know this is true, I see your FB pics).

You don’t have to learn to produce crops or struggle with poultry, pigs, goats, or some other hard work. If you’re in your senior years, renting some space for parking machinery (in Venezuela this was sort of common though) or even renting land to other farmers was also common. Growing pasture to sell, and managing it is a good way to make some income with minimum effort. With enough land and proper water management, a decent living can be achieved for someone in the golden age.

Your patrimony will see a significant increase in the long term.

And even if you don’t live enough to enjoy it your descendants will have it easier, should they need it sometime in the future. Just make sure to provide wise advice (as I am sure many senior preppers have done already) to preserve that legacy, and make it bigger.

For me, prepping is not just about getting a bunch of gear that maybe you will have to leave behind (don´t ask me how I learned this, please).

Prepping is also investing resources, like your time and money, in the wiser form possible. It’s about getting the needed skills to get the most out of your resources. It’s about developing enough abilities to identify a necessity, even if the economic environment is stormy and negative, and move forward to take advantage of it and provide something useful to your local community. It’s exactly what many of my people are doing to cope with the situation.

I have to mention (again) that I got into prepping looking for my financial independence, and some means to diversify my income in case an unexpected event could run over us, and keep covering the basic household expenses like food, power, and school.

Our currency went to the deepest abyss? Cool. We use foreign currency and screw the controls.

Are some dang speculators inflating the prices even in foreign currency? Great. Then we use cryptos. Small networks of suppliers charging in cryptos are all over the country. They’re not doing exactly great but can make a living.

There are other ways to use your land to earn income.

Want to have something to barter with? Make booze. A good quality one.

Need something that provides good cash fast and requires almost no initial investment? Grow lentils in that piece of land you invested in.

Want to make real money even in the deep s….t Venezuela is? Find a way to make beer with the lentils you could not sell on time and got spoiled.

It may sound funny, but what I have found is, that a guy I know since we were children, is producing liquor with grapefruits. And he is selling it! He does a lot of other stuff like electricity work and plumbing, for example, but he is able to make a living. He did not have to migrate. Guys like him have a very developed street smartness. In a small community, they don’t screw anyone, because abusing someone’s trust would mean that the network automatically “ban” that person, and the trading then would be severely affected. No one wants that. Most of his customers watched us growing up, and they would go with our moms if we do something wrong. Jeez, gives me the chills just to think my mom complaining at me…even I’m over 40 and with kids.

This reasons to invest in some good land are proven.

They could have worked for me to live peacefully, enjoying a simpler life, if some circumstances of it would have resulted differently. Relationships can be difficult, and common goals are not always shared in the deepest of the soul. The stress of living a situation of general scarcity is very likely to push your relationships to the limit. You will know who your partner is once difficult choices have to be made. Things like “I told you so” and similar phrases don’t help. Be aware. Moving to our cottage and using some resources to make it productive could have been a smarter move, but things didn’t happen that way because of family issues. Now I’m stuck abroad, struggling day after day without any indication of when I will be able to come back.

But I accept all the challenges God wants to throw on my back. I have a treasure in my friends, kids, and family, and I am rich enough with a roof over my head and food in my kids’ table.

So, thank you, Lord.

And thanks to you, my dear fellows, for reading these lines I put together thinking on those who will find them useful.

Be safe!

What do you think?

Have you purchased land to use to bug out if and when it is necessary? If not, is it something you’d like to do? Please share your thoughts in the comments.

About Jose

Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has a small 4 members family, plus two cats and a dog. An old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Thanks to your help Jose has gotten his family out of Venezuela. They are currently setting up a new life in another country. Follow Jose on YouTube and gain access to his exclusive content on Patreon. Donations: paypal.me/JoseM151

Picture of J.G. Martinez D

J.G. Martinez D

About Jose Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has a small 4 members family, plus two cats and a dog. An old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Thanks to your help Jose has gotten his family out of Venezuela. They are currently setting up a new life in another country. Follow Jose on YouTube and gain access to his exclusive content on Patreon. Donations: paypal.me/JoseM151

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  • When we moved, we increased the amount (and topography) of land. Are we “far enough out” – maybe, maybe not.

    There are other like-minded people in the area with a wide range of skills (and tools/equipment). We’ve tailored our lives , land, and structures to be able to remain here – be it when things get bad (survived the great recession but that isn’t the worst it could get) and throughout retirement. We too hope to ensure our kids/future generation continues on this property.

    • Dear Selena,

      That effort will be meaningful and rewarding in the future. I am working in the process of writing a small booklet so my dynasty can know where we come from, and they know tjat have to honor such legacy and can know where they are headed to. I worked very hard to build that small patrimony, and those who come after me will have to take care of it and make it grow.

      Thanks for your comment!

  • Buying land is on my mind daily. I am living in an apartment and trying to get out of debt, which is working. But still I think I should buy land now and worry about debt later. Even just a small parcel. Anything so I won’t be homeless and I won’t be stuck in the city.
    Your reasons are very compelling! I would have done it some time ago if finances were available. I’m stuck in the slave labor loop.

    • Dear Skye,
      I am very sorry to hear that. Financial freedom was my concern when I got into prepping because I realized being as self reliance as possible was the only way to be free in our economy in Venezuela. If you believe I could provide a different perspective to assist in the achievement of your goals, then go to my twitter account @factsbasedprep1 and send a PM and we´ll start from there ok?

      There will be no charge, unless you want to join to my patreon posting page, and you could consider whatever advice I could give as a talk over coffee with a friend, with all my good will. Truly.


  • Some pluses and minuses to buying land to live on

    First, some pluses:

    There are multiple ways to buy land — without using a bank. Depending on individual state laws, you may be able to deal directly with the owner/seller and pay over time via a land contract, aka contracts for deed. If your state permits, the owner continues to hold the title until you have paid off the full agreed-upon amount. No bank needed. Another way is to lease the property with an option to buy later when your financials improve. All states have some minimum amount (called the “consideration”) required to make the option enforceable — which may take the form of cash or services or some combination of both.

    A third way is to negotiate a loan from the owner — so much down plus so much a month (or quarter, or year, etc) to cover both principal plus agreed-upon interest. Setting the interest is tricky because it’s possible that neither you nor the owner understands, per the Chapwoodindex.com, how way much higher actual inflation is each year than the fraudulently low 2% or so that the federal BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics) publishes in order to starve Social Security recipients.

    Other pluses might include the freedom from greedy busybody city bureaucrats seeking to regulate and tax everything you ever wanted to do.

    About minuses:

    The percentage of the US population living on farms has dropped dramatically. In 1880 it was about 80%. By 1930 it was down to about 30%. (Guess how I could so easily recall those numbers.) Today it’s down to somewhere between 1% to 2%, much of which is because a few mega-sized operations have made much small farming uneconomical. The current trade war with China is driving lots of farmers into bankruptcy. The point is that for most people, you need to bring along some kind of portable way to make a living.

    A lot of rural water supplies have been contaminated by nitrates in fertilizer to the extent of not only causing the “blue baby” syndrome and being unsafe for pregnant women and new mothers, but also causing cancer. In such areas, if you don’t have a way to purify such water (by distillation, reverse osmosis, etc) for drinking and cooking, or can rely on clean enough bottled water, there’s a problem.

    A lot of rural communities have been losing their hospitals in recent years, so it’s imperative to find out what any local situation is — including how far you’re willing to drive in case of emergency.

    Many rural communities can’t get decent high speed internet that is mostly a given in larger cities. If your earning skills depend on that, you need to know.

    Your age matters. All of my ancestors who grew up on farms and lived all their working lives there … promptly moved into town when they retired. Some sold their farms while some let their children move there. Farming is a lot of long hard work, and those people all recognized when the time for working like a dog was past.

    Your neighbors matter. Rural communities in the 1800s were a haven for religious groups from Europe that had been run out of country after country — sometimes at risk of their lives. Some of them formed habits of shunning all outsiders who were not part of their group. I saw such habits continuing through the last half of the 1900s. Half of my 1-12 class wouldn’t speak to the other half, and newcomers from out of town were automatically shunned. In small rural communities, such groups can get away with such barbarism, where they could not do that in larger cities

    Your nearby cities matter. If the bureaucrats there show any signs of interest in annexing the land where you live, or want to live, that can radically skyrocket your taxes and wring your neck with regulations.

    Federal drug laws matter. When the “War on Drugs” was declared, that made black market operations immensely more profitable, just as Prohibition had done in the 1920s. When my father spotted low flying aircraft flashing signals at night which were answered from an upper story in a rented house across the section from his farm, he reported that to the County Sheriff’s office. Two days later a guy placed a warning rifle shot in the dirt at his feet out in his field. He got the message immediately. The smugglers had a mole in the Sheriff’s office, and they ruled the roost. At that point he resolved to sell out and move.

    So there are both pluses and minuses to living rural as times keep changing.


    • Good post.

      No homesteading ant should ever forget, government grasshoppers and their little bro allies especially matter and have made plans on and for your dime should winter come.

    • Yes you can live “too far out”. I work from home. I am at the point in life (age and finances), that I could find a job that did not require me to commute an hour each way – that would offer health insurance (the biggest hurdle for those over a certain age but not yet 65). We too had high nitrate levels at our previous house and did have a reverse osmosis unit. Levels are this house are low, extremely safe low. Speaking of nitrates etc., it is time to test again. I’ll take my well and septic over city water/sewer any day of the week.

      Hence my are we far enough out – there are doctors/hospitals that are a reasonable drive. And emergency services are available. I also have aging parents so I had to take that into consideration.

      All this being said – we are not in an area that is likely to be annexed nor experience a building boom any time soon. We are “too far out” for those who can’t manage to grocery shop and cook at home. And no where near a mall.

  • One compelling reason not to buy a patch of land is you might not be able to make a living off or from it, and you might have to move. Real estate is all about location, location, and location – and purpose and ability.

    Whether or not you believe in man-made global warming, the intent to thaw the poles and end the ice ages forever is a compelling reason for world elites, nationalist or globalist – all based in northern hemispheres – to pursue that project relentlessly. Long-term power and short term gains from ecological chaos works for them. They think in terms of family dynasties and tribe over centuries, not a little something left for kids who may or may not continue a lineage. They have their estates and bunkers, as in, more than one.

    Real estate will experience volatile changes in economic viability with climate change. Social collapse will add to that. Its already the end of the world for a lot of otherwise savvy people who presently live in price-crashed property, from defunct suburbs left behind to devalued Hampton mansions and New York luxury apartments, or Florida seafront property. Unless its really their home, in which case a monetary tag is secondary. Many farmers would never leave their land were it not for the foreclosure.

    Lots of people have tried to live off-grid, and ended up selling out below purchase price because living without pizza delivery and a steady paycheque and reliable internet connection is psychologically really really hard. On top of living off-grid being kind of tough physically.

    My generation (Boomer-Gen X) used the word ‘survivalist’, and no, I was not one; more a lurker of forums and observer of trends. Buying a patch of land and installing a decent bunker was kind of the epitome of success. However, our imagined unimaginable threat was not economic collapse or zombies, but total thermonuclear war. I realized early on, there was no surviving that. Prevention was the only hope for survival. Enough of us felt that way worldwide that Cold War I ended.

    Prepping seems a late Gen X, Millennial thing. Always seemed like the word ‘preppy’, callow survivalism lite, an urban kid’s game with a hint of spoiled baby. Real survivalism means, you’re prepared to survive and survive well or you’re not. Its not a wilderness hobby, its a philosophy of daily living.

    However, one thing the preppies got on to, was the importance of mobility. Bug out bags, EDC kits, DIY outdoors and the driving idea you might not be able to stay in place.

    My advice would be to build on that. Have a home base if that suits you, but develop diverse basic skillsets, like mechanics, gardening, carpentry and especially financial management. Travel and strive for success in different locales if possible or necessary, not just camping but working.

    Avoid a lifestyle that can conceivably end camping homeless and skill-less on the streets of San Francisco.

    There seems little interest about preventing apocalypse in the prepping movement. The need for validation seems to encourage living for the end worse than the most hard core survivalists.

    Economic and social collapse don’t inspire fear of the unsurviveable and that’s too bad, since these things should they happen will have SIGNIFICANT causes. Causes that are sometimes preventable with political awareness and activism. At least Trump was elected, but that’s more the last gasp of the dying generation whose plan made contact with the enemy. Not a defiant new generation addressing the future with lessons learned ready to deke and jive, not run away.

    A most vital skill is an understanding of what real democracy and enlightenment is. Democracy is at its heart a system of group decision making, forming a consensus with representative, deliberative and participatory elements working in concert like advanced hunter-gatherer tribes did, minus, but aware and hostile to, tribalism and partisan corruption.

    The Enlightenment was the flower of Western civilization. Reason replaced dogma in all things including dogmatic reasoning. Flowers die, but seeds can live on and be tomorrows flowers.

    Being a civilized, knowledgeable can-do, can-think person is always and will always be an asset.

    • Jeez dude. That´s almost an article on itself. Are you trying to hijack my work?

      Just kidding. 😀 ….Yes, I agree with most of your concepts expressed here. On the other hand we have been so beaten economically speaking, that even though I tell my younger kiddo once we come back to Venezuela perhaps we´re not going to have donut shops nearby nor high speed internet, or arcade rooms, movies or stuff, we´re going to have chickens for fresh eggs, and live in the woods, practice archery and knife throwing, and some other cool stuff….he is eager to come back. He says he doesn´t care, and that he wants to hear the wind between the trees again in our cottage until falling sleep, just like when he was just a small children.

      That is great, don´t you think?

      • Yes that’s good, yet no its not. Is this a time out thing or a burn out thing?

        A kid should have ambitions about earning a living and making a positive mark on the world, not retiring from it before even getting started.

        Not sure how Venezuela works under Maduro (there are unpleasant rumours), but a cottage in North America is part of the successful middle class thing where the parent(s) job supports the family weekend getaway spot.

        • Dear Brockland,

          I probably transmitted the message incomplete My bad!.
          I agree with you. However, my intention is not die being a migrant in a 3×3 rented bedroom sleeping in a mattress on the floor. I want to come back, and give my younger kid the opportunity to enjoy a real life such as I had. Education here is not cheap, and the development degree is decades behind what we had when the red gang took power, in industry and science. He has plenty of skills (better in English in his class, sings as a bird, has a great memory and loves reading and such) that I know he needs a proper environment…with the proper timing too. He needs enjoy his younger years and I much prefer him to be making fun stuff instead of downloading apps and games in his mother’s phone.

          Retiring before giving back to society all the positive things you received is not cool. On the other hand, it worked generally like that before neocomunism took place: successful middle class (like myself) could afford a cottage somewhere to go on weekends, despite the high possibility of it being robbed, something that would be avoided getting someone to take care of it from time to time. However with laws that would allow people to seize your property, everything went to the heck in a basket. There are now rows of beach houses abandoned in Carupano, a place that was famous because of its gorgeous beaches, taken entirely by drug dealers.

          Just for the record, these Communists are trying to bring the USA to their knees, drowning your youth in a sea of drugs. And using my country, and others, as a launching platform for their poison.

          Thanks for your quite adequate comment buddy!.

  • I think a lot of people dont realize how long it actually takes to learn to garden in your specific area. Prepping takes time. I focus more on fruit tree growing, so again, it takes a lot of faith and time but, start moving forward today. Even if it’s just to be closer to independence, do it! Another epiphany I never realized is how much you can grow in a small area when planned out right. 1 acre can easily hold a garden, 3 or 4 dwarf orchards and whatever berries you could ever want.

    • In Detroit my wife and I got at least 85% of our fruits and vegetables from our backyard. We canned a LOT of produce every year. I built raised boxes over trenches and trellised 8′ above the boxes. I picked tomatoes as high as 11′ above the box rim. This was not a “set & forget” garden, but organically based on the tree leaves I collected from the curbs in the fall and lawn clippings I collected from my own dinky yard. All this in 240 sq ft. I used weep irrigation, which uses very little water but NEVER allows the soil to dry out … and thus the plants are never stressed and vulnerable to disease and insect attacks. The weep irrigation also provided the water wasps need and having them around meant that caterpillars never got a foot hold. I didn’t have enough room for corn … but lordy! the tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash, cantaloupes, watermelons beans, peas, asparagus and strawberries! I also grew a couple habanero plants just to keep the bugs honest. 😉
      Those who know what they are doing will recognize that I didn’t have enough room for all of this at once. They are correct. I inter-planted in both time and height. Peas, for instance, grow up on vines, leaving lots of room for lettuce below. Both are cool season crops. The peas add nitrogen and the lettuce consumes it. Same for bush beans at the foot of tomatoes. By the time the peas were done, the cucurbits were well along and taking over the VERTICAL space.

      That said, I TOTALLY agree with the idea that, while principles transfer decently, how they are applied has to change if the locale changes. Even a little thing like the orientation of a garden can affect the micro climate it is exposed to. I was blocked in by two garages to my north and south. This actually worked to my advantage when I got the neighbor to let me paint my wall of his bare cinder block garage (located impermissibly close to the lot line) a bright white. That gave me reflected sunlight (the wall faced south) while my own garage was painted a dark brown to serve as a heat sink. This stretched my harvest season to 10 months and my growing season to 11. In my new digs, the garden had to go into red clay (actually very mineral rich, but totally devoid of humus and too tightly packed for drainage and aeration) in the shade of the neighbors trees. I see Honey Mushrooms in my soil, so those trees are doomed — but it will take a while. In the meantime I have to accept “average” yields and work on building the soil. Oh … and enjoy the mushrooms on my dinner plate! 😉
      The first summer we were here we focused on getting a run down (long unoccupied) house into better shape, upgrading the electric service to 200 amps and getting insulation installed (it had NONE in the walls) and a new exterior shell applied.
      Late that summer I put in some asparagus roots and garlic. Early the following spring I added blueberry bushes as a screen and two years ago transplanted a “volunteer” (bird poop!) mulberry tree to a more favorable location. The blueberries are yielding like crazy and this spring the mulberry finally started giving us an appreciable quantity.
      If someone is contemplating moving to a smaller community I would urge them to start yesterday … there are social obstacles that will need to be gradually overcome and it takes a long time to actually get situated with gardens and so on.

    • A prepper I met, highly specialized in lithium batteries (we´re working together in a project, though) sent me photos of his tower gardens. Those things are sweet!…in my area there is a LOT of sun, and a LOT of rain too. Plants grow like crazy the entire year. The problem is, there are a LOT of lazy, envy thugs that will steal whatever you manage to grow just because, unless you have means to defend yourself…but then again, the uniforms will screw you if you try to defend yourself. You have to bend over and let your property and work be stolen because that´s the way the commies think. But there, I know personally some country people who are peacefully making a living out their small patch of land.

  • My name is Allen. I have a guaranteed income for now but I know the storm is coming.
    Enjoyed your words friend and would like to hear more from you.

    • Dear Allen,

      Thanks for your kind words. Please go to my YouTube channel, it is possible for you to find something useful there Just use the words “facts based prepping” in the search engine.

      • Don’t forget about raised beds either. I think one of the main keys is to know your needs – if you detest broccoli, no need to grow it. And for what you can’t grow, find a budget friendly source (purchase, barter etc.). Planning is paramount.

        • Dear Selena,

          I believe that a good idea is to grow something you can barter too, if you´re not going to consume it.

    • A kitchen garden, as I outlined above, can supply an astounding amount of produce. A half-dozen laying hens will provide PLENTY of eggs (and keep bugs out of the garden!) until it’s time to join you at the dinner table. If you end up with a decent sized hardwood woodlot, keep in mind that you can sell the timber as a cash crop. I’m 67 and just getting my second wind. 😉

      • That´s the spirit, Bill!.

        I´ll buy you a beer one of these days, I want to meet the USA and NC has some landscapes I would like to admire. Renting a Harley and going for a ride up there is one of my goals in the middle term.

    • Dear OldBat…

      No way. Investing wisely in new tech really pays back. Check this out.


      You could manage your negotiable skills, and work in something else, and just grow up some basic staples.

      Find yourself a copy of The Contrary Farmer, is a great inspirational book.

      Don´t you ever think you´re too old for anything. A little exercise will strength you and make you feel better.

      Eating healthier is going to give you more energy. I know a couple of brothers over 70 years old. The “younger” one still takes a scythe every morning and harvest hay enough to feed 15 or 20 milk cows. Every day. I know the last 40 years he has been doing so. Spanish migrants are a though bone, indeed.

      You won´t learn it until you try it. Don´t be afraid.

      I am not a kid, and prefer to end my life living under my own terms, and I never have felt better than living in the open country in my tropical forest.
      Once I come back to Venezuela you will be able to see how my kiddo and me will make a good living. I´m going to record everything in my channel.

      Be safe! and God bless you.

    • just saw your comment oldbat, and we’re right with ya, in our 70s and cant do much! weve been looking for something small outa the way, hard to find….we had place in wv mts, couldnt stand the cold nor being stuck for weeks during winter…(age, cold), so moved back down south, now we wish we’d been able to keep our prop up there! we dont live in a “like community”, we have combo of n/s folks, most keep to themselves, so we’re kinda like by ourselves. our siblings r still in mtn, but we wont be able to get to them in bugout situation….didnt realize we’d be in this situation a couple yrs ago…..

  • We’re working on getting at least a small piece of land somewhere out in the brush or something. Good article and good points.

  • great report. jus’ remem to check with the local code office before buying that land . i’m finding out that just buying land and throwing up a teepee to snooze, ain’t that simple when the local county code officer Dickus start to snoop around the ole’ bunker .

    “hey DAISY, saw your new SHTF book is out, great job there lady. good stuff to know!
    just a suggestion, check out audible com , your books would sell well if they were also audiobooks!!!

    would love to hear your voice, readin me to bed at night about what to do when the shtf apocalyptic tornado’s with zombies -n- sharks and sheet all whirling around ;0) !”

    cheers lady ,


  • Jose, many thanks from your efforts and comments, thanks a lot for sharing. Hope you and your loved ones a lot of love and peace.

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