SHTF Survival Stories Volume 1

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SHTF Survival Stories Volume 1


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Did you ever wonder what life was truly like during the Balkan War? The SHTF was about a whole lot more than guns and MREs. It was made up of everyday moments that turned into survival stories in the blink of an eye. It was about a young man running from his enemies. It was about an old man reliving the horrors of war yet again. It was about the experiences of people, not some glamorous, romanticized survival fiction with heroes and villains.

In Volume 1 of 6 of SHTF Survival Stories, Selco shares those moments. His memories are not only stories that far exceed any disaster fiction you can find, but they’re also lessons that can help us to be better prepared. I know that I couldn’t stop reading his stories and he tells them in such a down-to-earth way that it’s like you’re right there, adrenaline coursing through your veins, wondering if, indeed, Selco’s sanity was in question or if it was actually music he heard.

The stories are so real that they’re ugly and beautiful all at the same time. There is some dark content in the books, but there is also hope and humanity.

Only $9.49!

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Picture of Chloe Morgan

Chloe Morgan

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