Jose from Venezuela

Jose from VenezuelaSelf-Reliance & Skills

How to Maintain Preps with Rubber Seals

A number of the preps you will need in a collapse possess rubber components. Here’s what you need to know to keep these working in the long run.

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Jose from Venezuela

No Space? No Money? You Should Consider a Micro-Retreat.

If you’re short on space and cash, can you use the concept of a micro-retreat to help protect your family? Here are some ideas to consider.

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Jose from Venezuela

The Importance of Silence After the SHTF

If you neglect the importance of silence after SHTF, you’re going to end up with uninvited house guests. Here’s how to prevent this.

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Jose from Venezuela

How to Grow Your Own Coffee

How did Venezuelans keep coffee in the pot after the communists took over? Jose’s family shares how to grow your own coffee.

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Jose from Venezuela

When Venezuela Starved, Fruit Helped Keep Us Alive.

After the communists stole power in Venezuela, starvation set in. Our nation’s abundant fruit trees literally kept us from dying.

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Jose from Venezuela

The Top 3 Mistakes I Made BEFORE the SHTF

As the world gears up for another crisis, learn from others’ mistakes. These are the top three mistakes our writer made before SHTF in Venezuela.

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Jose from Venezuela

Are Tracking Devices for Migrant Control a Slippery Slope?

Should tracking devices be used for migrant control? Or, does this technology used this way condition a society to accept more of the same? Here are some thoughts from a country using this tech.

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Jose from Venezuela

How Gangs Operate Post-Collapse

Want to know how gangs operate post-collapse? This is what they see in Venezuela on a daily basis. Will you see it in America? It’s seeming more and more likely.

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Jose from Venezuela

How Nationalization of Industry Causes Massive Job Loss

How did the mass of innocent Venezuelans cope with the loss of their jobs, livelihoods, possessions, and country post-nationalization? Here’s a breakdown of how the nationalization of industry causes a crisis.

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Jose from Venezuela

Tips for Keeping Your Propane Engines Running After SHTF

Engines save effort. After SHTF, you’re going to want to keep your propane engines running as long as possible. Here is what an engineer recommends.

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Jose from VenezuelaPrepping & Survival

10 Things About Prepping I Wish I Knew 20 Years Ago

These are the 10 things our author would have liked to have known when he first started prepping 20 years ago. Words of wisdom to a younger crowd.

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Jose from Venezuela

How Dentists Can Be the Ultimate Survivors of an Economic Collapse

For the young thinking about the future, the dentist can survive a crashed economy with little difficulty. Here’s why.

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Jose from Venezuela

Sending Your Family to Safety or Fleeing: When Is It Time to Leave?

When is it time to leave? At what point is it appropriate to head for the hills – or to head out even further? This is what a former refugee learned.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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