Books & Entertainment

Books & Entertainment

The Widow in the Woods

Our weekend prepper entertainment continues! Here are two chapters from a story Daisy is working on featuring an unlikely heroine.

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Books & Entertainment

Dear Diary, It’s Me, Jessica: Part 2

Young Jessica’s post-apocalypse story continues. In part 2, she witnesses the darkness within people after the collapse.

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Books & Entertainment

Prepper Fiction: Excerpt from Three Miles

Prepper Fiction: They’re just three miles from safety when civil unrest erupts during a dream vacation. They’re about to find out how far that really is and who they can trust.

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Books & Entertainment

Weekend Fun: Preppers Predict 2024

Ready for some prepper fun? Four preparedness writers (including Daisy) are making predictions for 12 significant events or moments in 2024. Enjoy the show!

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Books & Entertainment

150+ Ways to Save Money in the New Year

Get 150+ creative ideas on living thrifty, eating great food, special occasions, and DIYs to help you save money in ways you never even thought about!

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Books & Entertainment

Son of Hamas: A Personal Look at the Palestine/Israel Conflict

The book Son of Hamas is written by the son of a Hamas founder. It’s a fascinating insider’s look at the conflict in the Middle East that will help you to really understand what’s going on today. It’s a book filled with intrigue, sacrifice, and faith.

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Books & Entertainment

A Post-Apocalypse Christmas Story

Some holiday prepper fiction through the eyes of a child. Merry Christmas!

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Books & Entertainment

Dear Diary: It’s Me, Jessica.

What would the SHTF be like for a modern teenager? Find out how it all happened from Jessica’s diary in this holiday post-apocalyptic fiction.

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Books & Entertainment

Leave the World Behind: Just a Movie or a Dark Hint About the Future from President Obama?

Leave the World Behind is an end-of-the-world flick produced by none other than the Obamas. Are there secret messages or is it just a movie?

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Books & Entertainment

What to Know, When You Need It

If disaster strikes, you want fast, succinct information. Get 5 printable information sheets with survival instructions and reminders in our first In Case of Emergency pack!

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Books & Entertainment

How to Survive During Dangerous Times

No matter who you are, no matter where you are, there are steps you can take to make yourself safer. These are the best strategies from The Organic Prepper website all in one place, all with one goal: to keep you and your family safe from harm in a world that is increasingly perilous.

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Books & Entertainment

Our Missing Hearts: Required Reading for Those Who Object to the Silencing of Dissent

In a world where “formal deprogramming” of those who support one’s political rivals is recommended, the novel Our Missing Hearts is a must-read.

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Books & Entertainment

Want to Help Keep the Website Up and Running and Get AWESOME Stuff?

Are you ready for the most extensive bundle we’ve ever offered? Here it is, and with your purchase, you help to keep the website afloat.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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