The Great Taking: Is There Really a Plan to CONFISCATE Everything We Own?
Everything you own could be at risk in the Great Taking. And it will all be done in the framework ...
Everything you own could be at risk in the Great Taking. And it will all be done in the framework ...
Climate change initiatives are wreaking expensive havoc all over the world. European farmer protests are sounding the alarm.
Many Americans have resolved to improve their finances in 2024. But the federal government doesn't budget. In fact, $21 trillion ...
Cargo ships in the Red Sea are under attack. The US Navy is fighting back. Now Iran is getting involved. ...
The year that is just about to be behind us was a wild ride, and the most-viewed posts of 2023 ...
Many governments and billionaires seem very interested in reducing birthrates. And they're adding pressure to prospective parents here in America, ...
Venezuela and Guyana have been in conflict for centuries. But now, all out war is looming. Here's the inside scoop ...
Ready for some tasty lab-grown meat or cricket nuggets? Grab a plate and a fork because America's largest meat producers ...
After years of extreme censorship, Alex Jones has been unchained. He was reinstated on X (Twitter) and interviewed by Tucker ...
Are you dealing with long-term cognitive deficits, neurological issues, extreme fatigue, or other health issues that have lingered long after ...
Western culture has valued free speech as a necessary check for centuries. But now Western governments are rapidly silencing citizens ...
Financial preparedness is incredibly important. Here's some real information from a financial advisor and fellow prepper, just for OP ...
The Ukraine vs. Russia crisis has gone on so long that the world is just tired of it. Is this ...
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